September 27th 2018 3:28 am My Failure At Classes About Writing

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Okay, so I love writing. I would rather die than stop writing, with that said what I said last Update does not count, it does NOT count.
Why am I talking about this? Well I have to do a thing for school now that involves close reading a peice of fictional work. He..he...what does that mean? Okay okay. I love writing, yet in every class that involved it I always had the worse grade in, not kidding. My math was always an A or a B, my history was always a B to a C+, science was at a C normally, rise and fall if it will, and english was alwasys a C- or a D. Now, what do you get out of that? Do you think that I hated those classes, normally yes, yes I did. But there would be that one thing that I loved to do, such as a writing prompt that let us decide what we were going to do or gave us a genre to write in. I loved those, why? Because they didn't limit me to talking about something boring and dumb in my opinion. And right now I have to explain my techniques to close reading in two to three paragraphes. I only got half way through the first paragraph when I was done. I don't closely read anything. Normally when it tells us to read a paragraph multiple times to get a message out of it I see it instantly, normally. And then I think I got the wrong message so I read through half of it again before getting bored and looking out the window, not kidding. I love writing and other's writing, just when something tells me to "read closely" how I read is thrown away for that statment that doesn't make sense!
I jsut pushed the half paragraph to a full one. All I did was lengthen two sentances, that was it. This is also a problem with me and these kind of queastions. Ones that ask for at least two paragraphs as a response. I can't do that. I've tried, just I always get my point across in one paragraph, at minimum five sentances. How am I going to explain something I don't get? In two to three paragraphs? That is one reason why I was always bad at english class. I always got my point across in the first half of the one paragraph that I write.
Oh, and these online things as for a self-evaluation. I can't evaluat myself! Never can and never will! Out of five? Yeah, I'd give myself less than one. Not kidding, but I'll go with a one just to be safe. Hee, almost wrote sage down instead. I have to go through 30 pages of this!
Uhg, this is going to be a loong Update, I can tell you that.
Theme, setting, plot, characters, style and tone, point of view, imagery, symbols, and a video! Geez. I hope I never have to go through anything like this again. I know this already. I don't care about someone named Monte Cristo. Can I skip this and go to the test already? Another writing thing? Oh my Light, what the heck! Now I have to read and annotate the text! Seriuosly? I'd rather die, not kidding. I'm crying. I'm freaking crying! I hate this! I absolutly hate this! I'm freaking crying because I have to read something. I hate this. I really hate this!

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i can't...sake doing this. i just want...i just want to die for having to do this...i can't...i just can't do this...just for doing this...this..."school work" make me want to die...i'm mnot kidding...IM NOT!
a part a b question...a fudge me...b fuge you...

sorry. i'm honestly crying. i'm crying the amount of tears i cry when i go down a Jannessa-hates-me road.
I want to kill whoever thought it was a good idea to make a law to where if someone less than 18 was not in school for less than 9 months they would be missing. Who the fuck thought that that was a good law. Fuck them and fuck their family!
Sorry, had to vent for a bit.
Anyway, I'm almost done with this thing. Then I will do the last thing Friday night. Yeah, that sounds like a plan.
Okay, one more question to go. I have to make three parallel sentances, either fiction or nonfiction. I feel like I do that all the time.
Portal 2 refrence, the best of parallel lines.
What should be for the third one?
Okay, now that is done. Uhg, I hated that. That's for sure. I'm going to play a game for a bit.

Okay, so it's been a few hours and my hands are cold. Well, it's been a little under two hours. I've been playing Strike Force Heros 2 on maxgames. A game with guns. Two camos in a row, yes! Can I geet two more? One more. No, poo thing. Poo. Sheep cannon. Thank you! I got the camo I wanted for the Sniper class, yes! Sorry, anyway, my hands are cold, freezing cold. I need gloves.
Anyway, I  have nothing to talk about, so bye.

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