October 31st 2018 4:03 am Happy Halloween. Am I too early today? I bet I am.

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Hello. I just played a whole bunch of Minecraft, then Destiny 2. I wish I didn't play the second game. It was just like my last experiance this month. And the other time I played on the 23rd. The nerve of me. And I was about to throw the controller through the TV when I quit and made my mission to beat Der Eisendrache. And I did. I just don't know why people like games like that. Games that are strictly online, such as Grand Theft Auto Online, which I played a bit of, and Destiny, Fortnite, and every other game like that. Black Ops 4's Blackout mode gets a pass. It's fair, unlike Fornite and PUBG. Fortnite has guns with rarity, which deal more damage. And I did some testing the other day. I played some Fortnite and opened 30 chests. I only got 1 blue item and everything else was white and green, common stuff. And then I watched some other peoples games, and they were all really high level. I watched 30 chests open, each one game at least 1 purple item or yellow item, really rare stuff. So Fortnite is unfair to their newer players, at least that was how it was in my experaince. PUBG is really like Blackout, but is more like The Hunger Games. Over time certain places get a lot of people who drop there, so, they are much like the Cornacopia from the start of each Hunger Games. A lot of people die early. And those places often have a lot of weapons. Assult rifles, Snipers, and every other thing good. While every where else that gets a small amount of drops has nothing but handguns, SMGs, bad items. So you can't be like
every smart person in the Hunger Games. You can't just run away from the Cornocopia with a bag of random stuff like Katniss, which is way better than killing yourself by trying to get a weopon. But Blackout. That is much different. There are 4 Black Ops games. All of which are good. And each game before 4 have very memorable multiplayer maps, such as Nuketown, or Cargo from Black Ops 2. And Blackout also has Call of Duty Zombies locations as well. The asylum from Verückt. Now, I can't play Blackout, nor have I watched much of it. But I know Treyarch. And they are fair, unlike Epic Games (Fortnite, Gears of War, some other dumb game) and who ever made PUBG. I did watch some of Blackout though. And I'll tell you this. Blackout is fair. Which is what I am trying to tell you. Anyway, each location has the same items in it. I watched people go to Nuketown, Asylum, and Cargo. Each of which had the same items. SMGs, handguns, Assult rifles, Snipers. Unlike Fortnite, where items you get depend on your level, and PUBG, where only the places that are the Cornocopia with weapons. Even if you land somewhere random where it isn't something from a former game, the empty space between places, you can still get a Sniper and Assult rifles. It's all fair. Sure, some times you can't get a weapon and die early in the game, but that is what Battle Royals do. Except Fortnite and PUBG. Only play Blackout for a good Battle Royal experiance.
Anyway, so I want to talk about the difference about Playstation Trophies from Xbox achievments.
Xbos achievments give you points, useless points. Each achievment has some amount of point value to it. The only use for these points is when you have a lot of them you get like a 5% discount on all avatar items. Which are useless, unless you want to spend money on something to dress a Mii ripoff. Sorry. Trophies from Playstation are much different. They don't give you points, they give you nothing, which is much better than useless points unless if you have around 300000 of them. Not kidding. Trophies actully keep track of how many people have that game, or expansion to the game. And keeps track of everyone that has that Trophy. After some math question the Trophy has a percentage. A percentage of how many people that have the game/expansion and have that Trophy or don't have it. I have multiple Trophies that have a percentage of 0.1%. Not kidding. Titanfall 2, and Black Ops 3 have a few. And then other games as well. A Trophy is already given a rarity when it is made for a game. Common, Rare, Ultra Rare, and Platnum. Each game only has one Platnum, and to get that you must have all Common, Rare, and Ultra Rare Trophies for that one game. I have one Platnum, Titanfall 2. I'll forever miss you BT-7274. Sorry. The Trophies for a game are the exact same for an achievment for Xbox games. I've met more people that brag about their achievment points for Xbox games rathar than Trophies for Playstation. bruce is one of those people. Now, I will tell you a true story. bruce has had his Xbox profile for much longer than me. At least 4 years. While I've only had mine for less than 2. Now this story takes place a little less than 10 months when we got our own Xbox 360. bruce transfered his account to our 360 and had like, 17895 points on his. So I made my own and just played games. A little more than 9 monthes later I was at about 19500 points compared to bruce's now 18350. That's almost twenty thousand points in less than ten months. Want to know how I did it? I played more games, quicker, on harder difficulties, and I hunted for the achievments. bruce does play the same games, but he plays them slow, on easyier difficultes, and plays the same way each time. For exampe lets look at Dead Space 1, the first game I got all achievments for, including Playstation and Xbox. I played that games story at least 7 times. Each play through I switched up my playstyle. On one I was carful, I stayed away from every enemy and was persice with each shot. And on the next I was a suicidal maniac. I head into battle with the Necromorphs without a care. Another I had a differnt loadout of guns, and on another I played through the entire game without upgrading my suit. My first game I played with only the starter gun, which is easy to get nodes to upgrade stuff. With the Plasma cutter, the starter gun, I only needed Plasma ammo. Cheap ammo to buy, and every other ammo thing I got that wasn't for my gun I sold at the shop. It was honestly the easiest run. And just for giggles I played through the Impossible difficulty with only the Plasma cutter. At that point I new the game inside and out so it was easy, hard, but easy. When bruce played the game he did nothing speacial. He saw the game as a game, nothing speacial. So he
didn't interact with the side things, and he didn't even try anything. Like he does in each game. To me each game is a differnt experiance, even if it's a game I've played for 100 hours, Minecraft. Each time I play it it's a new experiance. bruce see's them as the same thing over and over again and struggles because he see's each game the same, when each game is different. When he first showed everyone his achievment points he gloated about them. Even shoving it into people's faces. On accident I surpassed him in 9 months starting at 0. I'm a better gamer than him when it comes to finding stuff. I only go on the internet when I've spent about 30 minutes searchin for one thing. bruce goes straight to the internet without a try.
Anyway, today is Halloween. I'm not going anywhere. I'm not trick or treating. I have a book to write, a book to edit, another book to plan, and dungeons to create. Even if I wanted to Trick or Treat I can't. I'm booked. Besides, I don't even have a costume. Then again a Depressed Teen is pretty scarey. An Edgey Teen is worse. Sorry, I had to poke fun at myself. Hehe.
So, Happy Halloween I suppose. Though, it is only 5 in the morning. Would it count at this time? I have not idea. Anyway, enjoy yourself, and if you go Trick or Treating, be safe and ignore any kind of clown. You don't know what sinister intensions are hidden behind their red smiles.

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