November 16th 2018 11:15 pm Zelda 1986 Version

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So I don't think I've mentioned this before, but I have the first Zelda game. The very first one. A while I made another Update like this a while back for when I got Pokemon Red, or Pokemon 1996 version as I called it in the Update. Anyway, I've had this Zelda game for a few months at least. And I've played it a total of three times. Not completing the game three times, just playing it for a little. I've only played it three times. So, now I'm thinking about playing it to completion, without looking at any guides. And then I thought about recording it. It would be easy, I think, but I don't know. See, I'm sure that Nintendo is protective about their property, their games, and you have to go to their website and do a test thing to be allowed to record the gameplay and post it on the YouTube. Now, I need to do my research on this if it is true or not, but I can always do it. Problem is, I don't know how to record it. I think I need to plug it into the computer and record the screen that way. If so then that would be a little hard. Being I would have to do my research on how to do it. But I can always do that, and I think I'm going to do it right after I've published this Update. If I can easily record gameplay on the 3DS. Oh yeah, I forgot to say that, I have the Zelda game o my 3DS. My small one that I got from bruce becasue he got a new one. Not my big one. I wish I had it on my big 3DS, I can look up how to do that too. Probably has something to do with the SD card. I don't know. Well, I don't kow yet, but that doesn't matter. As long as I can record it and my audio, and maybe even a facecam, though that will be the biggest challenge. Mainly because I don't have something to do that. Actually, I did some testing on my tablet a while ago. I can still record my audio while the tablet is off or on another app, meaning I can record my face using the tablet's camera and still record audio. And in post I'll just mute the camera and focus on the audio file from the audio recorder. Have my facecam in the top left, the gameplay next to it, having my face NOT coverup a part of the gameplay, and then under my face will be a list of things for the game, such as how many triforce pieces I have, and/or my hearts, rupees, keys, items, and all that. Though I would then have to edit it more, but that's fine. The more I do, the more I learn. It's how that works. Right? If I play Zelda, then that means I would have to play Pokemon, which I'm fine with. I grew up on Pokemon, so I'd be sharing a piece of my childhood with with everyone that would end up watching. And from their I would start to play Playstation games, play all of Kingdom Hearts before January when Kingdom Hearts 3 is coming out. So that way I would pop up in peoples recomended for when they are trying to watch someone play Kingdom Hearts 3, for they don't have it, or they would rather watch it and play some other game. Though I don't know. All depends on time.
Anyway, so I might start off with Zelda for my channel. And if so then I might do my Zelda playthrough and Pokemon playthrough at the same time, maybe even Kingdom Hearts as well. Post Kingdom Hearts every Thursday and switch Zelda and Pokemon on Tuesdays. Maybe even post a video on Wednesdays as well. Do 2 Kingdom Hearts videos and 1 other video. Maybe even play some Fire Emblem, but I don't know. I might do Fire Emblem next year. Like in Febuary, after I'm done with Kingdom Hearts 3, or 2. I don't want to rush Kingdom Hearts. Its a game with a great story and emotional moments. I don't want to rush games with a story. Now if I were to play Dead Space 1, or Titanfall 2, I might accidentally rush through those games, mainly because I've played through them so many times, and I've gotten every thing in them. The secrets, and the achievments/trophies. I've gotten them all for those two games. I love them, I really do, so if I play them on my channel, I might just accidentally rush through them. So, sorry if I do do that. Also, on my channel I was thinking of a thing I could do when I'm done with a game. Make a video (or 2) on how to 100% that game. Get all the acheivments/trophies, the secrets, and anything special for that game. For games such as Zelda and Pokemon the video would just be how to get all the items in Zelda, or all the Pokemon for the Pokedex. Well, for the old Pokemon games. Not for the newer ones, for there are a LOT of Pokemon, most of which I don't know how to get. Or even exist.
Alright, I'm eating food and watching Jacksepticeye play Undertale. Alright, food break done. As I was saying...
But for those types of videos I would post after I've completed the game and finished all I wanted for the video series, like if the game has a New Game+ (where you play the game from the beginning, but you have all your gear and equipment from the end of the last game), I would probably make a few videos of me going through that, seeing how hard it was, and then ending it. If it was something like Dead Space I would go through it a few times, challenging myself. Like play through the game without upgrading anything. Making it harder on myself, making a great video. And all that. But that is just a thought. I don't really know what I'll do on my channel. But I can make plans though. Like my books. I'm making plans for future books that might not even happen.
Oh, so I downloaded a game on this tablet, something like Writing Simulator 2, or something like that. And I learned something while playing it. In the game I made random books with random titals that just came to me in that moment. Because in the game at the start you write terrible books no matter what, I haven't made my books in it. No, you don't actually write the inside of the book(s). The only thing you really do for the books is name it, give it a genre, cover color, cover illistration, main character's name, who the main character is (Lone Wolf, Detective, Cop, etc.) depending on the type of book, and the ending (bad or good). After that before you start selling the book to the (in-game) people you get to edit the basic story, after it generated one. And I'll tell you this, some of the randomly generated stories can be really good. I don't remember any of them, but some were really good. Like I wanted to read the entire story. Anyway, so it got me thinking. What if I published my Pure Energy books at a later date, only so I can publish many other books and build up a sort of "fanbase" so when I do publish my Pure Energy books they would have a boost in reads and votes right from the beginning. But if I do that, then I would be depriving you of reading it first, before it (possibly) becomes a big hit. What? I can dream, right? I'm most likely not going to do it. I'm already making publishing plans for the later books, and to push the first one back even longer. I'd just be depriving you, myself even, of the story that I've been carefully developing. Nah, I'm not going to do that. No more pushing it back. You deserve them, my books. I'm done hiding them from you. So, come early December, Awakening will drop for all of you to read. Then mid 2019 Faint Destiny will drop for you to read. Anyway, I've been rambling on for a few hours. I should let you sleep. All of y'all have things to do, so I'll stop this Update here. I'll see you later, bye.

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