May 23rd 2018 1:18 am

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For the past few days I've been binge watching Naruto. I'm not on Shipuden yet, but within the week I bet I'll finish all 200 episodes of Naruto then move onto Shipuden. I'm on episode 114 (Wow, two off. My guessing abilities are geting better) right now. I've already watched the first 150 something episodes. All that was on Netflix, but that was like three years ago. and so the other day I said that I was going to finish watching Naruto. The first time I watched Naruto I didn't really cry, but this time, I've cried a lot. Actuall tears haven't fallen yet, but I've been on the verge a lot. Like this episode, 114. I've lept myself from crying multiple points in the episode. Onto 115. 114 was about Choji fighting one of Orochimarus goons. The big one. About halfway in the episode you see a little bit of Choji's past. And honestly I can relate to him a little. Choji was made fun of because he is "fat" we all know he is just chubby. But since the other kids called Choji fat they didn't want himto play ninja with them. So they kicked him out. After a little while Shikamaru shows up and hangs out with Choji. That part struck me in the heart. I know what it's like to be made fun of. And like Naruto and Gaara I know what it is like to be alone. Honestly this anime has a lot of charcters that I can relate to. Not to mention all the things I'm getting from it. Oh, Neji is going up against the spider guy, this will be a great fight. If only Naruto used the Rasengan. he would have done major damage to the spider guy. But Neji is going up against the spider guy. This will be a great fight. I love this anime. And hinestly I've actually picked some of the things from Naruto and set them in my book. Not a lot of things though. When Naruto goes up against Kabuto and grabs his arm and lets the kuni hurt his hand. I grabbed that, edited it a lot and put in my book. It's near the end, of the book, but you can see it. When it is time for me to put it out for you to read. I'm still editing it, and like I said in an earlier update I would put it out in December. Currently I have it marked for early December, but it could move to the end of Decem-EPONA!!
Sorry, my notification is Epona's song from the Legend of Zeda games. any game that has Epona in it has Epona's song. I  love that horse, though she'll never match the King of Red Lions. Link's boat from Wind Waker. He is my favorite companion from the Legand of Zelda series. Why? He's a talking boat! Anyway back to what I was saying before my notification notified me. My book could move from early December to late December. Somewhere around Christmas more like. Sort of like a present. But currently I have it planned early December. Not telling you what date though. I have to keep some things secret. Oh, Neji's 8 trigrams 64 palms! One of my favorite Jutsus from Naruto. And only those with the Byakugan can do it. I've also grabbed a part of the Byakugan, but only for one character in my books. Shade Banks. He is blind, yet he is a great fighter. He isn't in the first three books, I have him planned for either the forth or fifth book. Neji no! he got hit! No! Okay, I should just continue writing this update with out getting distracted by Naruto. But it is a good anime, how can- that is scary. Spider guy's 2nd curse state is really scary. anyway, how can I not get distracted by my favorite anime. Fullmetal Alchemist is my second favorite anime. As for my third, I  don't really know. I'd say Pokemon, but I don't know if that is an anime. Attack on Titan is a good one. I've really wanteed to play the tribute game ever since I watched Node play it when they did. If I could play it I would. I mean who wouldn't want to kill Titans after watching Attack on Titan. Armin would be my favorite character from Attack on Titan.
I guess I'll leave you to waht you were doing. Sleeping, or doing whatever it is you do during your day. I have chapters to  write in my second book, and chapters to edit it my first book. And I believe in a few days I got something to do. Six days. Nothing much really, just going to see a friend before they move. Heh, I am geetting other things to do than write, edit, and watch anime. Not to mention play Animal Crossing everyday. I have a town to be the mayor of. And Bells to make. My days are always filled with adventure. Be in a game, book, or in whatever show or anime I'm watching.
Currently my life is filled with adventure. And earlier I was thinking how there is no more adventuring in this world, yet there are other worlds to have adventures in. There is always an adventure waiting for you. You just have to grab it and hold onto that adventure. And never let go. I learned that a few months ago. And now, I live by that rule. Never let anything hold you back from adventure, and never stop yourself from it. Adventure always holds its hand out to you. but you make the decision to grab it or not. Be it by over reacting, or by your well thought out choice. Or by someone else's doing. It is up to you to go on that adventure. Be it alone, or with your friends and family. I forced myself to learn that a few months ago. And now, I live by that rule. Everything is an adventure. Its just up to you if you want to go on it or not. Alright?

May 24th 2018 5:54 pm

I am so sorry. I think I pressed the wrong button. This was supposed to be published  on the 23rd 2:40 a.m.. This is all my fault, I really do apologize! Please forgive me for doing the wrong thing.

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