December 8th 2017 10:46 pm Its Fire Burned Strong, Like A Hurricane

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Well, I have obviously calmed down after two days. Just on wednesday twenty people said I raped someone. All the same person, Jannessa. Yes, according to 20 people I have raped the person I never wanted to hurt in anyway possible. So at first only one person said I raped her, then two days later another person. Then two weeks later ten people say I raped her. Then the next day ten more people say I raped her. I never raped Jannessa, I never raped anyone or even thought about it.
I miss it when she talked to me everyday. Thanks to Other Kevin that promise isn't a thing anymore. It's only a memory that I wish I never broke. If I didn't break it then current events would have never happened. By the son of Jefry! Jefry is my cow in Minecraft. Not a god. I just thought of something. What if, what if the reason Other Kevin hated Jannessa so much was because he thought she was going to replace him? Holly cow. That actually makes a lot of sense to me. Kind of. He went beyond the rules of Kevin. Three of them. Rule #14: No Kevin will ever get in the way of another Kevin. No matter the risks. Rule #17 Never plant a seed in the Original Kevin's thought. Good or bad. Don't ever do it. And rule #5 Don't ever try to make another Kevin (mostly Original Kevin) hate someone that the love. Yes. I have rules. All are punishable. But rule 5 would be a very bad rule to break. A Kevin breaks it, I force them through the darkest parts of my mind. Which has even made Evil Kevin somewhat cry.
Good news! I have started to write again. And I mean within a few days (3 days) written over 10,000 words and have written 26 pages. If want to read it so far just private message me your gmail. I'll let you able to read it and comment on it in Google docs. I am far from being done, but with your input I can improve my writing.
My passion for writing is slowly gaining its flame back. Before Its Fire Burned Strong, Like A Hurricane. Right now its just a fire to keep me warm. Other than that, it is very weak.

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