August 13th 2017 12:18 am

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this a time when i don't want to write, but talk. actually talk. i want a camera thing. like something to make vlogs. not a camera to take pictures, but a camera for videos.
so the other day i said i was done with games. i was angry. the game i was talking about and about to talk about for the next while. the escapists. it's a game where you escape prison. so at first i was scared of things, then i started hating the game, then i got angry, now i'm suffering because of the game. "Fear leads to hate. Hate leads to anger. Anger, leads to suffering." ~ Master Yoda Star Wars Episode I The Phantom Menace. those words have never been so true. tomorrow is school. tomorrow i'll be able to see friends. tomorrow will be the first day in a long time i'll talk to someone who listens, maybe on the talking part. i haven't touched a knife in weeks, and i'm done playing games, done playing by myself, and with people. well i'm not counting the times Krystal's kids will be over, cause that's my job to have them entertained. so i'm forced to play games with them, if they are allowed to anyway. i'm done with Pokemon, i'm done with games. today...will be nothing...that game has made me depressed on what it has done to me...and it was looking like a good day...if you know what a good day looks like.

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