August 16th 2017 2:52 pm Anything And Everything

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now i'm being forced to get in my mom's car when she passes me when i'm walking. not to mention i was actually kind of forced to go in to JROTC by Kris and his friends. literally. and i'm being yelled at because i walk to school. yay. well the only good part of today was my update during lunch, but i'm too ashamed to write it. too bad Kevin, your doing it anyway. here today's school update.

August 16th 2017 10:27 am Anything and Everything
Lunch, no food, no friends, no enjoyment. Only me, my pencil, and paper. I slept last night, and I had a dream! It revolved around Jannessa. I have no idea what it means. Maybe it means I have feelings for her. Well I know I do, these feelings I have for Jannessa haven't stopped. Not once over the summer, everyday they grow. Little by little, but they're there. And I don't care. And start of a new paper, I just finished both sides of the first piece of paper on "care". You know, this place is great. Granite I've been told to kill myself 3 times today, but it's been quite great. Daniel and his friends are not sitting with me. Yay. And Mr. K (well at least I think that was his name was) come over and talked for a bit. Great person he is. Jannessa is going to read this and be something like, "Aw, neat." or something, I don't know. I'm not inside her head. I don't know what she would say. Well she kinda already knows I like her, but I said that in a past context. But this is at this moment, in a present time context. So I think it might send different signals to her brain. I'm going all out, I like her, I full on like her. Every thought I have leads to Jannessa eventually. Every last thought goes to her. Is this love? I don't. But if it is, then I love her. Alright I love her. And I will crawl up from Hell (sorry) just to see her. I'd do anything really. Anything for Jannessa. I'd do whatever it takes to make Jannessa happy. I will do Anything and Everything, all for Jannessa. I'd do Anything and Everything to see her smile. Lunch is over now, can't wait to publish this.

Yeah, that took one entire side of paper. The last sentence I wrote in Algebra as Jannessa was taking her seat. Too bad I'll always be to shy to say anything to her in person.

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