October 1st 2017 1:32 pm No Looking Down Kevin! Only Looking Up!

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so, i'm going to say this. apparently there is a My Little Pony movie coming out soon, like movie theater movie, not TV special movie. and i want to see it, in case you forgot, or are new and didn't read my other journal, i like My Little Pony. or if i want to use the term, i'm a brony (boy who like My Little Pony). and my favorite pony is Fluttershy. now that your caught up, so the new movie is supposed to be out soon. and these people tease bruce because when My Little Pony was on the TV he would put down his DS and watch it. i would watch it too. and about two weeks ago? maybe three? whatever, how long ago this was doesn't matter. so an unknown amount of time ago moms friend, krystal, came over and somehow the conversation she was having with mom ended up at My Little Pony and krystal said that she would force bruce to come with her and watch it in the theater. now yesterday while bruce and i went to Burger King (i forced myself to not throw up, and that went to a two hour (obviously exaggerated) diarrhea session with the toilet) and somehow our small conversation went to My Little Pony, and i said i would take his place for the movie. which i really want to see (but not as much as I really hope Jannessa says yes), but here the bad part. the same day krystal said she would make bruce come with her to see the movie, she said one day she would make me come with her and smoke pot, yes the drug thing. she said something along the lines of, "It would benefit me most out of my family." do i want to smoke? no. do i want to smoke pot? hell (sorry) no! do i want to see the My Little Pony movie? Obviously! but do i want to risk having to smoke pot after or before i watch the movie? no! i don't want to do drugs, smoke, drink, i don't want to do anything people waste their money on like that! you see i have two choices. go see the My Little Pony movie, and be forced to smoke pot. or not see the movie and be force to smoke pot latter. why does stuff like this always happen to me? like a few days ago. i had two choices. ask Jannessa if she would like to go to the Imagine Dragons concert with me on the 18th this month, or not ask her and still go. you see, both options would leave me to have a good day, but one of these options lead to more experiences, only if Jannessa says yes. if you want to put it in a percentage before i asked Jannessa the question i had a 66% chance that i would go without her. why 66%? you ask. well technically there were three roads. road one, me not ask Jannessa, road two, me ask Jannessa and Jannessa says no, road three me ask Jannessa and Jannessa says yes (my favorite road). but now, it's more of a 50% chance of not going with her, and that's me being very hopeful. if i was not hopeful i would probably say maybe 80 to 90% chance of not going. I'm fighting my depression because i am really hopeful she says yes! Ha Ha! No looking down Kevin! Only looking up! Ha Ha Ha!

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