September 20th 2018 3:03 am "-Storm Of Adults And What They Want To Do"

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Uhggggg. I am tired of this. Okay, so for the past like five days I've been having what some may call a (sorry for this) shitstorm of adults and what they want to do. I'm really sorry for cursing. See, so on the 15th bruce decided he was going to play on the Playstation all day. I was awake all day on the 15th, but James was asleep. So he played from 6 in the morning until 2 in the moring. Non stop. So that was almost 24 hours in one play. I wanted to play that day, but bruce didn't get off, even when I told him how long he was on for. He only denied it. And he pulled out his, "I'm an adult" card. He may be 20, but he is not an adult. Yes, I know that 18 is the age one has to be to be an adult. But bruce is no adult. He doesn't take responsibility for anything. I'm 16 and I have taken responsibilty for many things. Some I am happy I did, others, not so much. So that was day one.
Day two was Jannessa. And, that just sent me flying to the rage corner. Not Jannessa herself, no, I was NOT mad at her, but I was mad at the ones she talked about. She deserves better than what she has. I hope things get better, I really do.
Day three was dad. So it was 11:30 when Mom got home from pool, but she didn't come inside. So I thought it was a good idea to scare her. I went outside quielty, somehow not bumping into the screen door (our screen door's bottom screen does not exist, so there is a good little hole to sneak out of), I walked down the steps to the driveway quietly, walked up to Mom's window queitly, surprised that I was as queit as I was (I was walking on gravel, something I have a hard time on when I'm trying to be quiet). I went up to the window and jumpscred Mom. A little while latter I was in the passenger seat and we were talking. She eventually got to dad. So she didn't text dad or a friend that night, or for a few nights or something like that. dad texted something like, "oh it's good to be forgotten" or something like that, and her friend texted something like, "are you okay? you weren't kidnapped or something?" Those are true, I saw both texts myself. She didn't show them to me, but I saw them when I was sitting in the passenger seat. Anyway, so I want you to look at those two and really think what my dad should have said. But he did not say that. He decided to be a d and say what he did say.
Day four, yesterday. I'm missing. I know right, what a stupid thing to say. I'm right here. At home, writing in both a book and this journal. But no, apparently I'm missing. I am not missing, but people don't believe cold facts anymore. So unless if I'm not at school or anything in the next few days Mom will go to jail for a year for being a horrible parent or something like that. I don't know who or what decided to say that I was missing, but someone or something did say it. But now most of my days will be forced to do something I can NOT do. Which is school. I could hardly handle as much that I did. I now I have to go to an adult school. yay. I hate this. I wonder what will happen today. Probably another bruce or dad thing. Oh, bruce has also been on the PlayStation all day yesterday, again pulling his "I'm a adult" card. And dad comes home today. I prefered the once every three months time. But now it's every other day, home all day on Sundays. Writint time would go down from 62% down to 34%. Uhg. And that's when I haven't taken out time to use the bathroom and the time for when I make these updates, or take a break to play Kingdom Hearts or Doom, and then there are meals to take acount for. So that would be 30 to 28%. Then I have to take homework into the equation, and Naruto. 25 to 23% of the time will be devoted to writing. That's 42 hours to 38 hours of the week. Then there are the times when I just want to listen to music. Wait, no. It would just stay the same. Okay, so writing time has gone down from 62% of time in the week to 24%. I have to manage my time carfully. And when I do write it will be for about 30 to 45 minutes, an hour if I'm lucky. No, hold on, I was stupid. I need to go back to math for a bit. Okay, it would really just be 13 to 15% of time in the week to writing. I did one hour to homework, not five. And then there were other variables to account for. My entire life will just be nothing but jumping from thing to thing for a bit. I'll most likely not do the homework, knowing me. So it would go back to what it once was. Uhg, my brain hurts. I won't even get me time if I do my homework every day. I hate this. I had a schedule, and now that schedule will be going out the window. I was organized before. Not to mention I have to change my sleeping schedule, which I can NOT change. I don't work like everyone else. I can't just stay awake for longer than I normally do. Currently I wake up at 2 or 3 in the afternoon, so I normally fall asleep at 6 or 7 in the morning. If I stay up to 12 in the afternoon and fall asleep I will wake up when I normally do. I'm serious. My sleeping schedule changes when IT want's to. NOT when I want it to. And I don't want it to change. But now it has to. I won't be writing in my book much anymore, let alone these updates, but that is if I do my homework. I'll try to find a way to watch Naruto and write at the same time. I can watch YouTube and write at the same time, but wating anime on YouTube sucks. The anime is in a small corner of the screen, not the entire screen. And when it is the entire screen it has terrible audie and/or is only a small part of the episode.
Now I have to reschedule my writing time. I have a thing I need to take care of. bye

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