August 10th 2017 7:52 am

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woke up at five. i went to sleep somewhere around 10:30 last night. that would be about 6½ hours. the most in the past six weeks. well that's all i wanted to say, at this moment at least. hold it, so yesterday was my orientation and basically that was just used so us freshman could find our way around the school and find where are classes are. i found my classes quickly, well i didn't find the west gymnasium, that and the west cafeteria. well no, i think i know where the west gymnasium is, kind of. and after i found where my classes were, unlike everyone else who has friends and people to talk to, i just did circles really. getting myself familiar of the school and where my locker is in relation to my first class. i won't need to go to my locker between classes, and it's not in the direction i go in at all. but i'll be speed walking to stay away from people any way. so the time i get from class to class will be way under the 6 minutes we have to go from class to class. and with my stupidity lately comes luck for some reason. so i know where most classes are, and since Jannessa is still in Texas right now, i offered to help her find her classes are on the 14th. that's something to look forward to, that's for sure.

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