August 11th 2017 1:59 am

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I was going to say this earlier, but my tablet wouldn't let me. I fed raccoons earlier. I fed them bread, I tore up slices of sandwich bread and threw them into the yard. And I'll tell you what, when the raccoons came out most of them were baby ones. And they are really adorable, and after a short while 4 of the babies came closer to were I was standing, no I wasn't in the middle of the yard, W was on top of the stairs leading to the door of the trailer. And they looked up at me as if they were asking for more food, and it was so cute. Raccoons are cute in general, but the baby one are adorable.
3 days until school. I'll try and make this journal/dairy last until the end of the school year. But incase if you didn't pay any attention to the last journal/dairy I highly doubt​ i will last nine months. This one will probably last halfway into the school year then I'll hit the 200th update in this one, then I'll have to make a new one.

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