May 5th 2018 12:01 am Two Bests, One Game

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Okay, so today, well yesterday, I spent all day playing Skyrim. I slayed a couple of dragons, like five. I fought my first Elder Dragon, I died instantly. I found another skill to farm, Conjuration. No, I don't know how to spell it. So the way to farm that skill is to get the Bound Sword spell, find a random enemy that won't kill you quickly and keep casting it. In due time your level will rise quickly, and your skill level will rise quickly. And then you can reset the Conjuration tree to continuosly level up. If you have patience you can level up to level 40 near the beginning of the game. Sure, that would take hours, like half a day or something, but it would work. And that would be a lot of perk points to put in other skill trees.
Oh, and today we found this Skyrim book. It is big, and i is mine. I was learning a lot today about Skyrim. Like how to enchant properly and level up my skills properly, but i would still use my farming methods to do it quickly. in the book I found out something that made me happy. So in Skyrim certin people around the world can follow you into battle. Be it a mercenary that you give 500 gold to, or someone that you befriend after doing something with/for them. So in the book it gives you everything in the game. Like it tells you who you can get to be your companion. So There is a Dark Elf named Janessa (you can probably see where this is going) that is a mercenary. I payed her 500 gold, and now she is my companion, but there is a slight problem with companions. Their intelligence isn't the best. So I'll be walking off and thinking that my companion is following me. I'll turn around to make sure they are there, but they won't be there. They'll be faraway from me, standing still. It's like hey forget they are supposed to be following me.
So I decided for the best of my sanity, and Janessa's safty, I brough her somewhere safe, and told her to wait there. I pretty much paid her to be kidnapped. It doesn't help that the only safe place was my house...I did not purpasly do this. if the companion's smarts weren't so bad, then I would have her follow me and fight by my side. that is why I love playing computer games so much. I'm sure there is a mod out there for Skyrim that fixes your companion's smarts. So they will follow you and not be dumb.
Basically what I'm yelling you. In my favorite game, which is Skyrim. In my favorite game, I was able to find my friend. Well I guess my best friend, she means more to me than Megan and everyone else. Though I wouldn'd be her's. She already has a best friend, and I don't care about that. She has one, and that's what counts. So I found my best friend, in my favorite game. That is what I'm telling you.
(I really hope Jannessa reads this.)

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