July 19th 2018 10:22 pm I had a title for this one, but I forgot it...sorry

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Okay, so I feel like a complete jerk. Why? Well because yesterday I said it was my birthday, then I say nothing to those that said, "Happy birthday." (Note: I have realized that I have been capitalizing birthday when it doesn't need to be capitalized. I will now never wrong that again.) Well, really it was just Jannessa. So now I feel like a big jerk for saying nothing else. So I am going to take the time now to speak. Thank you for telling me to have a happy birthday. Well, I still feel like a jerk, but less of one. I've also come to the conclusion that Jannessa is the only person who is reading this. Though I don't know why my July 4th Believer update. I think that either three other people read that update, or she showed three other people. Why? I don't know, but I don't really care. Well, I do care, but it's none of my business why she would show it to anyone, or if she showed it to anyone. Though part of me is curious if she did show it to someone, and who she showed it to if she did. 

I'm getting off topic, not like I even tried to get on the topic. I started this update without even starting on the main thing I want to talk about. Not that talking about Jannessa is bad, it's not bad at all, really I just talk about her a lot in the recent months. Then I think about her a lot on top of me talking about her, then she is also in my dreams a lot. I don't really want to sound like she's all I think about, though I do think of her a lot, between the books and whatever I'm doing at that moment, or watching, and whatever random thought that just pops in my head at that time. And I don't think about those four things much. I'm not saying that I want to stop thinking about Jannessa! No that is not at all what I am saying! I don't want to sound like a jerk or make her sad, or anything else. What I am saying is that I would like to think about something else, I'm really sorry if that hurt your feelings. Really sorry. I just want to think of how to progress my stories as much as I can. Though I do like thinking about Jannessa.... Where am I going with this update?

Let's get on the topic I want to talk about. So, I've been reading a lot of Bakuman recently. Well, two volumes every other week. So not a lot of Bakuman recently, but I've been reading it. Bakuman is a manga that follows two middle school students and their dream to make manga. Well, really Akito persuades Moritake to join him to be his partner because he can't really draw well but is a good storyteller. Anyway so I've been reading it lately and it made me think about all the other stories that are in my brain that will never see the light of day. Like one where the main character cannot talk, he's whatever the word is when someone was born with a defect to where they can't talk. Calling them a mute is a rude way of saying it, hold on, I have the ability to look it up. I'll be back. Okay, the only word I could find was calling him a mute. Fine, if it is the proper term for him then he is a mute. You don't see that much in books, or movies, or anything really. Because the readers or viewers want the main character's perspective on the situation at hand. 

The story takes place in the future, like far in the early or middle 22nd century or something like that. You know, interstellar travel and all that jazz. In the future, the Galactic Government Circles, the GGC, have used anyone with a birth defect for any kind of experimental technology, like teleportation from the ground of the planet to orbit, and more stuff like that. But Daniel's mother was able to hide her son's disability to speak, so he wasn't taken away from her when he was born. See Daniel and his mother Dani were born on Aegies III, a planet with a rich variety of metals and minerals. One day a Tiber Corporation ship docks in the main docking station on Aegies III. The ship is carrying representatives looking for volunteers for an experimental piece of technology. Daniel and his friend, Aaron, sign up as volunteers. What they have volunteered for is a type of a quantum accelerator that can affect the time around it or the time around whoever is around it. Though it only lasts for a short time, such as a few seconds or a minute or two. Though only it only goes to the past, so no future. While there Daniel and his friend Aaron face a few dangers and find out the true reason for this kind of research, which the GGC banned after a planet was destroyed a few years before Daniel was born.

Does that sound like a good story? I think it does. I also have a variant that takes place in a not so distant future, though I think it fits in the space age of time. But I don't know. And I know I can think up of more stories, though I think I'm going to focus on the ones I need to make, such as the Battle of the Pures series, and the War of the Puress series, then the Ashenfere series, which is going to end up like a manga, like it will still go on, but it will have different story arcs. Like in the first three happens before the next few. Then the next arc stops then the next happens at a different time. Though manga arcs start right after the last one ends, and my Ashenfere arcs start a few years from the end of the last arc and will follow different characters. Which manga does do sometimes, but mostly follows the main character(s). Sometimes a manga will follow a different character for an arc then it will go back to the main character when that arc ends. So when I start writing the Ashenfere series you can expect a single arc to end within a few entries, though I plan for the books to be long. There won't be any sub names like the BOTP and WOTP series. It will just be something like Ashenfere, the Dillis story or something like that. I'll figure it out when I get there. 

Wow, it's 2:23 am in the morning on the 20th. I won't sleep. I can, just that I don't want to. When I'm done here I'll probably go to bed and play Zelda Ocarina of Time's master quest. I've done much better in the master quest than in the original game. See the master quest you unlock after you beat the initial game. Enemies do more damage, at least I think they do, and the map has changed. Like in the original game Kokiri Forest is it the southeast of Hyrule Field, and in the master quest, Kokiri Forest is in the west of Hyrule Field. Then Zora's domain is above that and Kakariko Village is above that. And those two are on the east side in the normal game, and they are in the west and northwest area of Hyrule. Not to mention that the towns are different like they were turned to a different angle. Like who the Kokiri Forest looks. In the original game when you are at your home the exit to Hyrule Field is to the left, and in the master quest, it is to the right. So that is how it is different. And I am a lot better in the master quest than in the normal game. How do I know? Because when I fought Ganondorf in the original game I hade thirteen hearts, and the maximum is twenty. And there are nine dungeons in the game. The first three are when you are young Link. Inside the Deku Tree, Dodongo's Cavern, and Inside Jabu-Jabu's Belly, and then the five in adult Link the Fire Temple, Forest Temple, Water Temple, Spirit Temple, and the Shadow Temple. The eight that I named give you a Heart Container when you kill the boss at the end of the dungeon. Each of these Heart Containers gives you one more heart to your current health, so if you have three hearts as your current maximum health then it will make it four. And so on and so forth. Huh? What? I only listed eight dungeons but I said there were nine? Well yeah, I did. See the ninth dungeon, Ganon's Castle, is at the end of the game, you do not get a Heart Container when you fight and defeat Ganon, for when you do a cutscene will role and the credits will. Okay. Great! So after the dungeons, you will find yourself with eleven hearts (you start the game with three), so how do you get the remaining nine Heart Containers? Well hidden around Hyrule are Pieces of Heart. Collect four of them and you will get a heart. There are only thirty-six Pieces of Heart in the realm. Divide that by four and you get nine Heart Containers. There that makes up twenty hearts in all. 

Okay, so I got off topic. When I beat Ganon in my original game I only hade thirteen hearts, and I did look for Pieces of Heart. It took me a forever to bear him. And right now in my master quest game I am only five dungeons in and have thirteen hearts, not to mention a few more items then I had in my original game playthrough. Like the Golden Scale. I have that in the master quest, but not in the original game. That is something I do. In Dead Space, my fastest playthrough is seven and a half hours. And that was on the hardest difficulty, Impossible mode. While on Hard mode my fastest was nine hours. And I died a lot less in the first Impossible difficulty than in my sixth Hard difficulty. I work better and faster on a harder difficulty, which is something good about me. Just imagine how good I'll go under stress!

Wait...yeah ne-nevermind. I don't do well under stress. My hands sweat a lot when I'm stressed, or nervous, or playing video games. I have sweaty hands a lot. Though not when I'm writing or talking to someone, though when it involves Jannessa my hands tend to sweat as much or even more than when I'm fighting a dragon in Skyrim. Why am I talking about my hand sweat? I don't know. It's already 3:30 am. Yeah, I'm going to bed.

I guess I'm just that determined to write for you. Hehe. Anyway good night, well good morning, 'cause I bet it will be in the morning when you read this. Well, good night anyway.

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