November 17th 2018 11:20 am

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Minor quick Update. Yes, I know I'm sorry for rapidly making these things. I really am. You all have much better to do right now. Anyway, minor quick Update. Zelda and the such will NOT be happening. I'm stupid, we all know this. I just thought, "Oh, it will be fine. I can just pllug the one charger cord into the computer and I can record." NO. That is not the case. I'm stupid. Basically what I need, on the 3DS is a micro USB port, which, the 3DSs do not have. So that means that I will have to do something about it. Well, first I need a lot of mooney, somewhere like $250 or more. Ineed t pay the guy, send my 3DS through the mail, internationally, and they will install a micro USB port to the 3DS. I can wait, but I'm not waiting for that long to happen to start the channel. I was going to record a video, but bruce is hogging the Playstation. he's been hogging it for the past few days now, in the morning, when James is asleep. Keeping me from playing on it. Then James gets on, and then its 2:30 in the morning, when I do NOT like to get on. So, when I do record, I will record up to 4 epidodes of a game, all so I can post them for the next two weeks, which seems to be when I can get on. Every 2 weeks. And that is for 2 hours, or less. All thanks to bruce. Anyway, unless if I want to record 3DS gameplay the bad way, recording it using a phone or tablet, then I'm not making no Zelda video. I put quality of the video over how fast I can get the video up. Some camera's are bad, for audio and/or video as well. Not to mention having the 3DS system that will take up most of the video screen, and then it going out of focus everytime I move. Yeah, I'm not going that way. Quality of the video is above video length. That was all. Just wanted to tell you that.

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