October 16th 2017 4:33 pm There WILL And I WILL

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i'm not going anywhere on the 18th. that date has given me a lot of pain throuh the past few week. and it's all my fault. for the past few weeks that's all i've looked forward too, Imagine Dragons, but most importantly, time with Jannessa. but since she told me she had already agreed to do a church thing i've been mostly out of it. i wish i said the date when i first asked her. but, if there is a next time, which i hope there will be, i WILL say the date in the same sentance. NOT two weeks after. NOT three. NOT a few days before the concert. i WILL say the date in the same sentance.
you know something? i say one part of life is the mistakes and the lessons you learn from them. i made a mistake. i'm saying it now, and i'll aways say it. i made a mistake. and since the otherday i've been putting the date on everything. i mean, for the past most year, i've been putting the date, and time, on all of these updates. only one did not have the date and time, that was when Big Boy was put down. i even got a picture of him in that update. go back and see it, if you want to. it's a good picture, and no i'm not saying tat because i'm in the picture, i don't really like pictures with me in them. hey i just rmembered. people say they found the 'Meaning of Life'. what is it? to find love. that's what they say it is. and frankly if you think about it, it makes sense. other people say the 'Meaning of Life' is the people you meet and the things you do, or something like that. but i think the other reason, 'to find love' is much better. not just love from a girlfriend or boyfriend or anything like that. well, that and the love you have for things you like to do. like me, i love to write. so i found that part of the meaning of life. but all else is clouded by the future. to be hinest one power i do not want, like if it was the power i was given at birth or something, i would hardly use it. i would not want the power to see into the future. why? because then there is no surprises. there are no unexpected things happeneing. i would know if the answer to my question was a yes, or a no from way before i got the email about Imagine Dragons Evolve tour. i wouldn't have hope, and frankly, i believe i wouldn't even love to write. i'd just be a person who can see into the future, with no meaning to live. and i'd know when and where i'd die. and it would be instant spoilers about something. i hate that power. but yeah anyway, apparently the 'Meaning  of Life' is to find love. and one part of life is the mistake you make, and the lessons you learn from them.
but yeah, i'm not going to the Imagine Dragons concert, mainly because so far it has only caused pain, and suffering inside of me. and that i have learned from my mistake. so when an oppertunity like that comes again, i WILL say the date when i ask a question that involves something in the future. like a concert. i WILL ask if they would like to go with me to this concert on the, for example, 7th of April. next time, and there WILL be a next time. it may be in a few years, but there WILL be a next time. and when the next time comes, i WILL ask Jannessa to whatever thing it is that i'm asking her to, and when i do, i WILL say the date with the question.
there WILL, and i WILL.

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