August 21st 2017 9:00 pm

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so you most likely know this, but there was a solar eclipse today. and i didn't care. there will be more, there will always be more...well until the moon crashes into the Earth killing off anyone and everyone. today was another day of bullying at school, who'da thunk it? well...i did...but that doesn't matter. i haven't turned the last two algebra homeworks in, mainly because i just don't feel like it. algebra is my 2nd to last hour and by then the day is very much bad. and well, the kevin loses any interest of actually doing good. like i am literally  forcing myself to climb the stairs to get to algebra, instead of just sitting at the bottom and giving up. not even telling myself that i'll get to see Jannessa helps me. instead i just force my legs to climb the stairs. at that point of the day my will to continue the day is broken. my will to just get it over with is broken. i just force myself to go on, knowing what comes next. another round of bullying. anyway after algebra i went to my last class, in this class on Friday the teacher asked us, "If we could go anywhere in the world, where would it be?" on Friday i didn't have answer so i said mine today, on Monday. where would the kevin go? you amy ask. well the kevin said an island in the South Atlantic Ocean. no i don't remember the name of it, but i know it exists. the island has maybe 150 or something people, and they pretty much give you land to build on. there are multiple reasons why the kevin would like to go there, and there are some reasons why he doesn't. let's start off with the reasons the kevin wants to go there.
1) not a lot of people. and that means not a lot of people to give me a headache.
2) the island is very much alone, the only way onto it is by a boat. and tha boat comes only once every 3-4 months.
3) people here wouldn't know where i went, leading them to forget me forever.
4) the island is far away from the nearest airstrip. and i mean far away. if you were to ever visit me on this island you would have to get on two different boats, and they will last about a few weeks.
5) who wouldn't want to wake up to sea breeze everyday? i know the kevin does!
that would be the 5 reasons i would like to live there, now onto the reasons i don't want to live there.
1) i would pretty much never see Jannessa again.
2) if i were to ever have a girlfriend it would be a major pain to visit each other.
3) the few good people wouldn't know where i am, leaving them to presume i'm dead, well that is unless i keep making updates. which i plan to do until i die.
4) if the boat carrying supplies to the island sinks for whatever reason i will surly die of starvation, wait nevermind. i only eat every once and then, not every 3 hours like most other males. but if the boat did sink for whatever reasons i would be stuck on the island with no way off for a long while.
that would be the only reasons i have. well there are a few other reasons, but they are stupid, like zombie attack stupid. but yeah, the reasons i would jot like to live on the island would most likely keep me from living on it. but if i didn't care for the last three reasons and only cared about the first, well i'd still not move there.

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