November 3rd 2018 6:16 am All For A Single Project

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Do you remember, back in July, a time when I couldn't write my book because my tablet wouldn't let Docs work on it for whatever reason. And when all that happened I drew a parallel from my drawbacks from not being able to write to that of someone suffering the drawbacks of getting over a drug addiction. At least I think I did that. I didn't really look back to see if I did say that. I do know that I did write about how I couldn't write. Anyway, so after that I had to move to Word, then I could write. Fastforward a couple of months, like two or three, and then I said my tablet wasn't working correctly, because it kept tracking something I wasn't doing. The top of the screen, or bottom, left, or right side, depending on how the orientation of the screen, was pushed down or something and it made it impossible to do anything on that tablet. Then I was given this tablet to work on, which I still am working on. So earlier this night, or morning, it is 6:24 a.m.. Anyway, so earlier I was thinking about my Pure Energy story, and if I would make a game. I think I will make a game. Though I will have to learn to code, draw, and music well for it, all of which I'm willing to do. Anyway, so I thought of a small detail in the game that will help the player, you, know who a Pure Being (Being of Pure Energy) was if the time was after the final events of the War between Dark and Light, but before the books, as so their would not be any spoilers for the story of the books. For each character that was a Pure Being thier text color (I was watching Game Theory's Five Night's at Freddy's videos, that is where this idea came from) would be the color of their Pure Energy. So for instance, in my books, everytime Kevin spoke his dialouge would be blue, rather than black like this and every other Update and words in the book. Red Scar's would be red, and-can't say that...Light's dialouge would be white (it would stay black, but it game it would be white), Dark's would be black, but that is normal for every other word in the book (his text would be black on a white window in the game). Anyway, I don't have a name for the book, but I do know where the game would take place, and where it would be canon too. It would take place when Blue and Purple first meet (just for the choice of gender for the player). Well, more like when Blue saved Purple from death from all the Corrupted. The beginning of the game would be a cutscene of when Blue is coming to help Purple, it would end when he got to her and then you would be able to choose between Purple and Blue (female or male). I still think it should play like Kingdom Hearts, but then I also thought about Fire Emblem. A turn-based strategy game. It would make it easy on me, for I will most likely be making the game alone, not to mention it would take less money. If it were to be like Kingdom Hearts then I would need to buy even more expensive to buy the proper
tools to code the game with whatever application I'm using. It would have to be a 3D thing, which means I would have to put a lot more time into creating the character models. Their actions, and movements, and everything inbetween. But if it were to be like Fire Emblem, 2D with sprites as the characters, and that would mean the characters would be much easyier to make, their movements would be easy to make as well. For I wouldn't need to be in a system for making 3D models. I would just have to be on a pixel art website really. Then I would need to program the sprites into the game, and then some artwork so you can see them more clearly. Of course you would come across more people to join your team, but you would stay in control of whoever you chose. Yes, in battle you would be able to control everyone in you party instead of only controling yourself.
Anyway, but yeah, if the time of the game where to come when the Pure Being's were in human bodies then their text color could be different compared to everyone else. I may just do that for the first game, and then carry that through every other game that might follow. If I were to make the game I would have to sell it on a website, Steam, just for at least 2 dollars, maybe 3, or 4. Depending on how long the game took me to make. But that is just my first thought on the price anyway. It may just be free on a website I make for the Pure Energy story. I'd do that too. Have a game tab, click on it, and you'd find the game for like a buck, I'd sell it Steam regardless. Where I sell it doesn't matter. It's what the game does that does matter. If it gets a lot of love from the community then I would probably make a second game, but that all lies in the future.

Oh dear. I fell asleep. It is now 3:50 pm, I fell alseep around 6:40. At least I think that was when I fell asleep. I woke up at least an hour ago. The times I fall asleep and wake up don't reallly matter.
Anyway, as I was saying. Any form of sequal for the game depends on how the game is taken. Other than that I can't just decide, "Hey! My game failed terribly so I'm just going to make more!" I can't just do that. Doing that is just bad. Making a game would dampen the time I have for writing my books, and other things. Not to mention I would have to be on the computer. And I'm sure the only good places that let you make a game cost money, so to do that I need a job. Which I already know I need. I think I'm just going to work at McDonalds. Though I'm going to look around first for other jobs that would fit me.
Anyway, so the first thing I was talking about, you know, the thing I opened the Update with. I was talking about where I was a few months ago for my writing situation and where I am now. So I could use Docs until July, that was when my tablet said, "NO! You can not write using Docs. NO!" or something like that. Then I got word, transfered my Pure Energy books to word, and then fastforward two or three months then that tablet died. I was then given this tablet, and I downloaded Word on it. I've been using Word for a few months. Then last night I was going to make a Future Plans/Projects document. Which would involve many colors, mainly just for the characters that had Pure Energy. It was going well until I worte Purple. I was writing thier names in thier color. I then remembered about another character, Pink. Their was no pink color on word. After a few minutes searching for some kind of substitute I highlighted Pink in a pick highlight. Saw that it looked ugly, so then I proceded to downlaod Docs. After which I then proceded to move every single document that even had the word Pure Energy back over to Docs. And now I am using both Docs and Word. See what I do just for a single file. Just so it looks good. I will move it to something else, along with all related things, spend thirty minutes copying and pasting every word from the original file to a new one on the other website. That is me. I do over complicated things
just so I can have a better time. I play every game on the hardest difficulty the first time just for fun, and I spend hours writing a single Update that can be simplifyed it some way. though simplifying it would be somethin someone else would do. Writing these things now how I write them allows me to express myself. Me simplifying these Updates would just be censor on my expressing...ness. Anyway, making up words aside. I now use Docs and Word. I'm making the Pure Energy game's story, and I'm writing the books at the same time. I might have to delay the first book again just so I can go through it and make sure all the information is correct. Or I can just give it to y'all, when it is in good condition, when I said I'd do it. 'Cause screw having to set the same thing back another year. I planned to release The Beginnings of War last year in December, now it is this year, and I'm looking at setting it back again? I can't seem to do what I want to do it seems. Well, last year I have a pass. I had to set it back due to the curent situation. Besides at that point I only had around 5 chapters wrote. I think. Actually I think it was more of 20. I was caught in last period one day writing the Prolouge to the 2nd book. I let them read it, they were confused, but they liked it. Yet another person who liked my writing. Sure I had to explain some things to them, mainly the characters in the Prolouge, but they liked it even with their limited information. The Prolouge gave her a little insight on the main bad guy, Red Scar, and intorduced a new character. At the time I called him Cobra, but I know better now. His name is Yellow. I'll let you think about that new name for the other character. I'm not saying if they were good or bad. The Prolouge was more of an interaction between the two. I like how I've given you more information about the 2nd book than the 1st one. Its funny to me. Anyway, so that was another person who likes my writing. I really have no idea if you like my writing. Well, fictional writing. Not Nonfictional writing, which is what these Updates are. I think I'm going to give y'all a sample of my writing in the coming weeks. To possibly hype you up for the first book, but mainly so you would get some insight on my world. I don't know if it will be a sample of the first book, or just a random one-shot story from the Pure Energy universe. Maybe that second one. But I don't know. If it is a sample of the 1st book then I would have to choose a good point in the book, edit that, and then publish it in one of these Updates. I think I know what to publish. It's a scene from the later half of the book, but doesn't really give you much information or story elements. I might do that tomorrow or early next week. Maybe even later today if I can. But I can't know for sure right now. My tablet needs to charge, like now. I'll see you later, maybe. Bye!

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