August 25th 2018 3:45 am The Cult of Hatoath

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listen, i'm sorry for what i said in the last Update, but what i said was true. the loneliness was unberable, and i did want to die. really, i still do. it just feels like people are ignoring my for a reason. almost like they are trying to teach me something. i don't know what they could be teaching me, but it is probably some kind of life lessen. something that would make me stronger, i guess. shrug. hi, Mamma kitty.
anyway, i found a way to make myself less bored, though i am really lonely. especially now. almost 4 am and i am still awake. it's a Saturday, so i have D&D today. i need to go to bed but, i really don't want to. really, i'd rather stay up and cry then go to sleep, i haven't cried at all in the past few days. hopefully the last time i cried will be the last time i cried for what i was crying for. do you get what i mean? i hope so.
so, i found a way for me not to be really bored. i was able to get Ashley, James, and Bruce all to play D&D with me, at home. i am the DM, or Gm, whatever you want to call me. either the Dungeon Master, or Game Master. i don't really care what you call me. well, they've started call me Grandma, GM, so i don't really care. i'm fine with being called the Grandma. really i just don't care. i do wish we had a fourth party member, but i don't want to bother anyone. i know, i could try and convince Mah to join, but she has her own things to do, so i am not going to bother her. we play three times a week, Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. those days dad is not here. anyway. they seem to like it. Ashley, James, and Bruce i mean. they like D&D, but i just wish Ashley didn't beg me to join the D&D that i do on Saturdays. if she complains, i am not saying anything.
so, the campaign that i am running is called The Cult of Hatoath. the world is set in Ashenfere. really, i just didn't want to make a new world, and this saves me a lot of time. and besides, this campaign is officially the prequal to my Ashferain books that i will write eventually. the events of this campaign will affect my books on Ashenfere. i think i will do a thing on Sunday. like write in a new book and call it, "Ashenfere: The Cult of Hatoath". simple, and not very long. the story will be written by the DM's perspective, my perspective. so you get to know what i am thinking and stuff. but when i am writing on Sunday, i will put it in simplier form. after Sunday a part will be released every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, if we play D&D that day.
really, the story will be long. if it goes for 200 parts, then so be it. if it goess longer than that, then i am stopping the first part at around 100. if you can read 349 of these updates, you might be able to read a lot of what i am to write in the future. aw pooy. i forgot to tell James he has an inspiration point. he got it for finding who he had to find. well, sorry for waking you up if i did. bye.

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