September 9th 2017 12:01 pm I Don't Want To Break Something I Wont Have Again

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yeah yeah, i know...not making updates bother me too you know. ugh, i should probably explain myself, shouldn't i? alrighty then...let's get it done and over with.
let's start on the the weekend before i stoped updating. i did not feel good, health wise. but throughout that weekend we were moving​ the bedrooms around. now Kevin is in a room with both his "brothers". again, third person, stop it! sorry about that. but now i have an even worse room. Kevin​ really wants to move out and have room to himself. but that will be a while, long while. Kevin can wait. Kevin will always wait. i'm patient enough to wait for years to pass. sure i want to be alone, but i bet my entire Pokemon card collection that when i do get a house to live in and i love alone, i bet that after three months pass i will miss living with someone. i bet it. i bet my entire Pokemon card collection. if i win, i keep my cards, i lose i sell the cards and give all the money to a charity. okay? say deal if you agree. deal.
got sidetracked. sorry.
the 5th school happened, and the bullying got worse. and i realized i broke Jannessa's promise...again... i hate it when i shut people out, i just end up feeling terrible about it then i start thinking i ruin something. like my only friendship. i don't want to ruin my only friendship. i  don't want to break my only friendship. I Don't Want To Break Something I Wont Have Again. i can't tell if people are my friends, i know when they are when they say "I'm your friend." then i have a friend. but i highly doubt most people would want to be my friend. the best day of my life was when Jannessa said she was my friend. that day will forever be the best day of my life. it will take a lot for something to take the place of best day of my life. it will take so much more.
the 6th, bullying happened, it got a little worse. i don't remember it so much.
the 7th, i don't remember it much, all i remember is that i apologized to Jannessa for breaking her promise...again...and then we had a small conversation, pretty much what i said above.
yesterday was honestly better than everyday at school. i don't know why though...

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