August 13th 2017 5:46 pm

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i got up, did a thing, then went back to the Escapists. i restarted the prison i was on, it was going good for me, then james. i didn't say this before, mainly because i didn't want to. so maybe 2 updates ago i subtitled it YouTube Things. james was going to have an art/music channel or something, and had said something about me and stop motion, and i will quote him word. For. Word. "Stop motion? Stop motion is an art! You should give your stop motion to me so I can post it to my art channel! And I'll even post it under my name too! So you don't have to worry about any money that comes in from it!" whoa whoa whoa. wait, go back. "So you don't have to worry about any money that comes from it!" go further back. "And I'll even post it under my name too! So you don't have to worry about any money that comes from it!" read between the lines.
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okay, do you get what i get? james is going to use my hard work. My craftsmanship. My time. My original idea! James will use me so he can get more money, and he's not going to split it, say I don't know, 50/50! I would waste my time for nothing! I hate him! Not to metion he even said that for my gaming channel I should give my videos to him, he'll cut out the audio, and speak over my game play! Without giving me some of the cut! Now I know I'm getting mad about money, which I hardly care for. But he would use my stuff to get himself money! GREEDY SON OF A-!! calm down. but yes he would take my stuff, and make me give it to him, so he can screw me over later in life. i'd just be barely hanging onto everything. not to mention i would go homeless. a fate i've dreaded yet dreamed for ever. tell me. is that brotherly love...or your roommate screwing you. because it really sounds like the second thing to me. not to metion they all agreed on that i shouldn't get any cut from a video on the lemm thing. if you ever find a channel on YouTube in the future called lemm, don't subscribe. they will be nothing but greedy humans. now, back to what i was originally going to talk about.
so i restarted the prison in The Escapists. it was going well. like i was actually able to do what i needed to do. day 18 rolls around, james enters the room. a day later at evening roll-call he says "You better make sure you have all your contraband. Or else you'll lose." and i have many experience with these people, they wont stop until they get there way. so to make him stop i went to my cell showed him i had now contraband in it, went out of my cell and was instantly knocked out for not attending roll-call. and james starts laughing, laughing as if he had never seen something so funny. and i'm put into solitary, my fully upgraded shovels are gone, because i had hide them in the vents. all my hard work was gone. so i load the last save point. where does it put me? day 5. i-i-i-i...d-da-d-day f-f-fi-fi-five?! james leaves and i freaked out. everything i did was gone. my progress gone. everything i did. GONE! and so i was left alone. i tried to get through the day. but i kept getting in trouble for no reason and kept losing everything. i eventually actually started crying. and frankly...i still am...i had cried for an hour. i eventually tried it one more time. like it shouldn't have done, game did what all games do. screw me over. so i unitentianally slammed my right hand into the medal pole holding the bed up. twice. and i swear i must have broken something because it still hurts. i bet the fires in the deepest point in Hell (sorry) hurt less then this. so i'm done with the Xbox until i can be left alone for a long period of time. and even then i wont go on it. i'm done with games. now i only have you. i only have you people to read my tale and never think once about it, some of you anyway. and school starts tomorrow. even worse, i already know it will be worse then last year. much worse.

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