August 25th 2017 8:25 pm Horribly Terrible Day

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today was bad. much bad today. very much bad. today was a Horribly Terrible Day. it was just bad. so in each passing period i was bullied more than normal. like lets say during each passing period i was bullied 10, it doubled, so it would be 20 bullying in each period. the last two were just...bad...this sad song is not helping. but during the passing period between gym and algebra more people decided to think, "Hey, that stupid kid is bullied a lot, I'll just join in on the fun." and well, more people bullied me. during algebra i struggled not to cry because of it, then after the next passing period, which is the last one, even more people thought the same thing. that class i cried. i was able to hide them, like i usually do, but today hurt more then normal. i don't know any of there names, and i never will. i'm not an mentally or emotionally strong person. i never was. sure on the outside it looks like it, but inside i cry. cry and cry. but if i were to cry in front of people at school, the word would get out, making everything worse. i'm a crier. something sad happens i'll cry. but, i hide my tears. not to show i'm strong. i do it so people won't notice. in the past i've cried in front of people, and that made it all worse. if Monday is like today...i'll most likely cry during algebra. today was a Horribly Terrible Day. don't expect an update for a while, if anyone is reading this anyway, just don't.

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