September 16th 2017 10:36 pm

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ah pineapple guts. yes, i said pineapple guts. i forgot what i was going to say it did not involve Jannessa, well i think it didn't involve Jannessa. did it involve Jannessa? why am i asking you, you don't have a power to read my mind but see the past of ot through writing, well i think you don't. do you? no. don't answer that. how was your day? that question you can answer, if you want to. i don't really care, well i do care, but i just don't care if you answer, if you answer i care if you do. what am i doing? saying how i care if you answer, but at the same time i'm saying i don't care...sometimes the logic of Kevin makes no sense. i don't have a watch anymore. the glass shattered when i hit myself in the head calling myself stupid. why? well i don't want to say, that does involve Jannessa. make a guess, i'll tell you if you got it right. yes i call myself stupid, pathetic, useless, worthless, and pretty much what most people call me. the effects of words on me hit hard. do you know that saying or something were it goes, "Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me." or something like that? yeah, well words hurt me. it hurts me, it hurts my emotional and mental states. not like i had them in the first place. i'm really really hungry. go hunger! that was sarcasm, but i am very hungry. i hate not knowing.

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