August 13th 2017 12:55 pm

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i haven't moved off this floor in half a day, all the while i'm wide awake. i can't really move though, well i can't get up. i'm not in pain or anything like that, just my body isn't letting me. i want to play Pokemon Red, but just like every time i want to play my 3ds, james is on it, and he'll be on it all day. not kidding. he'll be playing Destiny, another game i was forced to play, and will be forced to play it on their LEMM thing. Destiny is a first person shooter, and i'm not one for first person shooters, i'm not one for shooter games in general. they are always too fast paced and their multiplayer modes are horrible. why? because everyone else has an aimbot and a gun that is cheap. aimbot is cheating because it auto aims to an enemy's head. not to mention they also have other cheats like bullets going through wall, magnetized bullets (bullets that will go to the closest enemy), and in games like Call of Duty they have an emblem thing so you can make your own picture thing. problem is, everyone makes naked women. not kidding. sure their are mostly not bad one, but there will always be one person with a emblem showing a lady's naked...fituna...i'm not writing or saying that ever again. maybe you might get the real term for that, but you get what i mean, hopefully. first person shooters (or fps for most people, not me) are not something i'm fond of. and i'm not for third person shooters either (or tps). i'm not one for shooters, but there are some i'll sit down and play for an hour, but not longer than that. but where was i, james. yeah, he'll be playing Destiny and have my 3ds next to him open with his Pokemon game in it. leaving me with nothing to do except crawl into a ball on the floor and do nothing about it. or cry. not because of the ds, because of something else. not important what i cry about now.

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