September 16th 2017 8:44 am

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i was going to say something, something really important, well at least i think it was important, but i forgot what i was going to say. thanks spotify, thanks for putting her in my head. holly just happened...okay? my tablet froze up for a bit, then spotify shut down. i turned it back on and clicked on a random song. i'll be listening to So Far Gone by Thousand Foot Krutch. and well it has decided to put Jannessa into my mind, but she was already in my mind, so i guess this song is putting her deeper in my mind i guess. but all my thoughts already end in her, so pretty much everything will put her in my mind. i remember what i was going to say now, but now i don't want to say it, yes it involves Jannessa. go me for being too shy! that was sarcasm. but i am too shy to say it...yay...well this update was useless

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