April 20th 2018 1:58 pm Upcoming Titles

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so, this is officially the first update of 2018. all the others i deleted, mainly because they were worthless, same as me. but this one, hopefully someone will read. i don't want to be writing to myself again. anyway. might as well get on what this is going to be used for, right? no ones here. and if anyone is, it's probably Jannessa or Megan. hi to you. or hi to anyone new. like parents...yeah now this is getting weird. to...me anyway.
so i was thinking about Big boy, my dog that died that died a while ago. i still cry, not most of the time though. its more of a time thing. what cry about is what i did. it was stupid, and i know that. i always knew. but at the time it was a habit to write in this journal thing. but from now on, when i'm going to say anything that might hurt someone, or make someone cry, or scare someone. i will put a warning. you will know when you see it. but i do cry about it almost everynight. not kidding, i wish i was. i can't forgive myself. it's more of a thing that can never be forgiven, in the Ways Of Me. that needs to be capitalized. there we go. you won't see any difference, will you?
anyway. i'll get to one of the main reasons for this update to exist. Upcoming Titles. like books that i will write. why am i doing this? so you know when to expect a book. anyway onto the list.

Battle of the Pures Faint Destiny - December 2018
Battle of the Pures 2 - 2019 or later
Battle of the Pures 3 - to be announced
War of the Pures Return - to be announced
War of the Pures 2 - tba
War of the Pures 3 - tba
War of the Pures 4 - tba
Hacker's Delight - 2019 or later
Ashenfere - 2019 or later
Periluos Time - tba
Pokemon (for boredom reasons) - 2019 or later
War of the Imaginaruims - tba
A Guardian's Oath - tba

that would be it, currently. "But StolenGiant (or Kevin), why so many?" you may ask. because between playing Destiny (i am addicted to that game, not kidding) and sleeping every other day, all i have is time. and that time i use to write. most of those books are connected. you can tell by seven of them. *whisper* that's because they have Pures in the name, if you didn't know that. and no i don't think your stupid. *end whisper* the others are more harder to see, turns out it's all of the excpet for the Pokemon one. no no it's not, or is it? i'm kidding. for now the Pure Energy books are up to ten. and some of them i didn't put in the list. so good luck. that's how you spell luck, Kevin, not l-u-k-e that is a name, not something people have. well, i guess someone could have a Luke. if they named their baby Luke. shoutout to any Luke you know. don't actually shout at them. Megan, i know you would shout at them either way. so go do it.
what else to talk about? i don't really know. i guess i could tell you that i plan to at least make *long gasp* Today is Friday! That mean Xur is today! I can get more Three of Coins! And hopefully my Wings (Bones) Of Aho (hopefully i spelled that correctly)! Destiny stuff. you know, the game that i...uh...did...um...say... . . . i plan on making at least one update a week. each one verying from shar synm and sone fromdil. sorry, spoke Anceint Ashferain for a second there. Xur really has me excited. what i meant to say is that the updates will range from books stuff, like character profils and parts of a chapter, and my normal everyday life.
anyway, that would be it. So for those of you that are still with me. I've been a Stolen Giant, and I bid thee fairwell.

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