October 1st 2017 7:37 pm

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i ate way too much today. i need to take a shower, but due to me eating too much i don't feel good. like i don't have a hoodie or sweatshirt or whatever you call them, jackets or whatever, i don't have one on. when i don't have one on it's a sign that kevin doesn't feel good. be it mentally or physically(?). well you can't tell on Fridays because of the JROTC (rot-c, is what people call it) uniform. like if you can see me shirt because my jacket isn't covering it, you can tell that i don't feel good. but how you can tell on Fridays, when i'm wearing the uniform, i usually have a better posture than i usually do. like i will stand straighter than i normally do. same thing when i'm sitting. but if i am more bent over then you can tell i don't feel good. but back to the jacket, i don't really consider, for me only, having a jacket around your waist, i don't consider that wearing it, for me only. when i see other people having the jacket tied around their waist i would think, "hey, they are wearing a jacket." but for me i'm so used to having a jacket on something clicks in my head where i start to freak out. i don't know why, but i can't go for more than three hours without a jacket. but that doesn't mean if someone says they are cold i won't offer my jacket. i will offer my jacket to them to keep them warm, besides at time i wear jackets for weeks at a time...yeah...i think i may have a problem...yeah. i'm sure i have a problem...(i'm smiling by the way, i'm joking. i don't have a problem, well, at least i hope i don't...)

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