July 4th 2018 3:58 am

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i'm tired i want to go to bed and sleep, problem is i can not seem to sleep. after the other two days of caring heavy things so my aunt could move. my arms feel heavy and are in pain.
anyway since i couldn't get any sleep i decided, "Hey! You know what? I should probably continue writing my book!" so here i am on a differnet app writing in different pages. doesn't that sound wonderful?
i sounded creepy to myself like four minutes ago. a question that Mom told me to ask. then when i ask it i sound like a bad stalker, to myself at least.
i lost myself in thought in my last update and got mad when i came to a conclusion and well, you probably know how i ended that last update. *yawn*
and now i'm on the toilet taking a poo. you didn't need to know that, but i'm tired and my brain is trying to come up with things to talk about so it decided to go with information that you did not need to know. i woke up at like 9:30-ish a.m. yesterday. i think. anyway if i do end up staying past 11:00 a.m. then i would officaily be awake for 24 hours. yay!
so i got all the achievments in one of our games on the xbox the other week. Dead Space. good game, really great game. i was fine playing it for like 40 hours. not 40 hours straight, but like 40 total hours. i played through the game like a total of 6 times. i know how to kill each enemy with efficency (i know i spelled that wrong) and use little health items. my least favorite thing to fight in Dead Space would have to be the fast guys that you fight from the USG Valor. poor ship. if it only didn't open the escape pod. anyway, they would have to be my lest favorite enemies. i also know where you fight all the brutes. there are five. the first three are normal tan fleshy clored. the other two are black and rotton. the first one you fight when you first go to the brige after you talk to Hendrick. the best way to kill a Brute is with the Force Gun. hit the brute with Stasis then go around it (or if you are good enough with the gun stay in front of the slowed down Brute) and shot it in the yellow spots. two or three shots would do it with a fully upgraded Force Gun. and that with all brutes. the second one is when you are introduced to the gravity failing floors. which i believe is in the same chapter as the first Brute. the thrid one is in the Hydroponicts level. on the right side of the level when you first enter. the right side is covered in the fleshy stuff so you'll know. the fourth Brute is a black one. these take like three to four shots with the Force Gun. the fourth Brute is near the end of the USG Valor mission. its right after you go through the engine part of the ship where you have to break six power boxes while avoiding a firey death. the fifth and final Brute is on the last level after you come out of the tunnel part, right after you kill the two things stuck on the wall. which the easy way to kill them is to shoot the alternent fire mode on the Line Gun and land the mine as close to the thing as you can. usually it will take it out with one hit. but if that doesn't work then shoot the red parts of it's tentacles with any of your weapons. my usual loadout is the Plasma Cutter, Old Reliable really. the Line Gun and the Force Gun. the Force Gun usually takes out most Necromorphs in one shot, ecept the fast ones. they always take two or three. that and they are hard to hit and they hurt you a lot and will force you to use some of your health items.
though when i played on the Impossible difficulty i only used the Plasma Cutter and the Force Gun. and i used a little glitch to get like 80 power nodes. the things you use to upgrade your weapons, Stasis, Kinisis, and your suit so you can have more health and air.
Dead Space is certaintly on my top 10 games list, and if not top 20.
i'm still tired. i guess i'll have to go to word and start writing in my book. i just want to sleep!

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