August 15th 2018 4:02 pm A Lota Dice

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Okay, so around an hour ago I was called into the living room. Me having just woke up like twenty minutes before and watching a YouTube video of Nerf TTT (Trouble in Terroist Town, a game) was really confused. So I paused my video, by tapping the sleep button on the tablet and stumbled out of my bed, which I should never do, i might break the TV on day. And then I continued to stumble into the living room. I see James holding a plastic bag thing, it was more of a bubble wrap bag thing, becuase on the inside it had bubble wrap. Anyway, so James was holding this bag thing with an odd assortment of colors inside of it. I saw orange, purple, a lot more purple, some white, and some black. The first thing that comes to mind is, "I'm tired." For I had woken up not long before that. The second thing was, "My D&D dice!" and that was how I woke up this morning.
Let me tell you this. So about two weeks ago James had little money for linch when he went to work. He had nine dollars which would last him about three days, he worked at McDonalds, but he quit recently. I had twenty-one dollars. So I made him a deal. If I were to give himj my 21 dollars he would get me something when he got his next paycheck. So, I asked if he could get the Sims 4 for the computer. Which woul have been around five dollars. So that would be 16 left over that he could eitehr give back to me, or I could use that to have him but something else. After going to the D&D session the otehr day I wanted to do something, and I wanted my own dice that I could bring to the table. So I went online and searched for D&D dice on Ebay and such. I someone selling 8 sets of D&D dice. A d6, d8, d10, d12, d20, a decimal di, and a 3 sided di. And it was for 11 dollars. So I went up to James about this. I said, "So I found this thing of D&D dice on the Ebay for 11 dollars. It comes with 8 sets of differnt colors." Or something like that. So he went on the Ebay and searched up D&D dice on his phone. He was searching for fancy D&D dice that would save a little money, but I would only get the one set. I wanted the 8 sets of dice, not some fancy set that would have costed 8 to 10 dollars. In the grand scheme of things that would be saving money. But that was just one set of dice. For 11 dollars I found 8 sets of dice. If you do the math it was just $1.49 per set (Hey! I can do $ now. I forgot that was a key. well, two keys. Either Lshift of Rshift, and the 4 key would get me $). So it was better to get the 8 sets of dice than the one fancy set.
So he ordered it, and come today I got my dice. There wasn't only dice, it came with eight small violet cloth bags and two cleaning rags for the dice. So it wuld be less than 1.49 per set, it would be less than a dollor, if everything costed the same. I don't really want to do math right now. So I have eight sets of dice for Dungeons and Dragons. So I'm happy. Ayway, I'm going to play on the PS4 now. BYE!

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