October 31st 2018 4:57 pm A Dream Leading To News

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Okay, so I woke up about three hours ago. And I had a weird dream, and one of my favorite dream that I can remember. Anyway, so inside the dream I lived in a two floor house with a large hole in my room's wall an another hole downstairs. I don't know where. The house next door, the house my room faced through the hole, also had a hole in one of it's bedrooms. And outsie the hole was a walkway mae of wooden planks, a walkway I made. Now, the people that lived next door were, you guessed it, Jannessa and her family. You've also gueesed it, the hole in her house was also in her bedroom. So we were connected, by this small walkway that went to the first floor of my home and the ground. Anyway, so I was working on a lift that would allow the cats to easily get to the second floor without having to go around. I was tying the wire for the start of the lift to a pole I had set in my room and the telephone pole that sat near the middle of the walkway. I kept looking to the right to see Jannessa. After about ten minutes a man, who in my dream was her uncle, named Bob in my dream, and I will call him that for the rest of this Update.
I turned to him and waved with my right hand, which was still tying the wire. "Hello, Bob." I said.
"Hello." Bob said. He was mad, the tone of his voice said so.
"Okay? Is there something you want?" I asked.
"What is that your working on?" Bob asked angrily.
"A lift for the cats. I've been working on it since eight this morning." I said as the wire cut my hand. I didn't feel any pain, but I didn't seem to care.
"Well that's odd." Bob said as he walked closer to me. "You want to know what I woke up to at eight thirty one night? I woke up to her," Bob said as he pointed at Jannessa, "crying in the bathroom holding her phone. All because of you."
I looked over at Jannessa and waved with my right hand, which was bloody from the cut. "Okay? What does that have to do with the current situation?" I asked as I walked around Bob to the other tie on the wire. I had to make sure it was tight.
"Not even a stutter. You didn't stop to even think. Do you even care for what you did?" Bob shouted at me.
Without a flinch I untied the wire and stood up. Holding the wire in my bloody hand. "Yes, but it seems, unlike you, I have forgiven me. With the help of another." I said as I waved to Jannessa again.
Bob, now even more angry, stomped passed me and shoved me with his arm, saying "I hope your lift fails." Bob growled as he shoved me.
"Okay!" I said as he passed Jannessa. "I'll make sure to have the first test fail just for you!" I said as I turned around and tied the wire a little to the pole, just so that tie would come undone during my first test run.
Jannessa walked up to me with a worried look. "What did he say?" She asked.
"Nothing much. You know, trying to guilt trip me, probably so I would do something for him." I said as I walked over to the box of materials for the life.
"Oh, I'm sorry." Jannessa said as she looked down. Her eyes still sad.
"No, don't be. He's just doing him. Be it a jerk or not." I said as I stood up with a rag covering my right hand. I walked over to where Jannessa was and set my left hand on her head. "Besides, no need to be sorry for what you can't help. Right?" I said.
Jannessa smiled slightly and looked down at my right hand. "You need to get that fixed." She said worriedly.
I looked down to my right hand. "Alright, if you say so. Thankfully I bouth that first aid thing a while back." I said as I turned around and saw a red box.
And that was were I woke up. I wish the dreamed continued for at least thirty more minutes. Anyway that isn't what I want to talk about. What I want to talk about is the fact that inside the dream I had forgiven myself for what I did, and I did not wake up with tears, like every other time I had a dream where Update #281 was mentioned. And the more I think about it the more I realize that it was just a stupid thing that I did at a younger age, so I should forgive myself, which is what I'm saying. I've finally forgiven myself for what I did. Sure there will be the time were I'm sad because of it, but I've completely forgiven myself for saying what I did say. So this is really just a dream that brought news to me, good news to me. And I just want to say thank you. I don't really know why, but thank you.

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