November 9th 2018 8:38 pm Getting Closer to

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Alright, so this is the first time I'm doin a third Update in single day. I'm only making this Update for a single thing. So earlier I learned how to make a video from the Playstation, and upload it to YouTube. The only thing that I need to do is sync my Playstation account with my YouTube, easy, and then press the Share button and start recording. I have a good enough headset for me to use, so I can record my audio as well as video. Then I just need to edit it, which I can do on the computer after moving the video files to a chippy dippy. Sorry, a hard drive, put the hard drive into the computer, get some video editing software, edit the video. Then title it, and post it on YouTube, of course I'm going to put some, if not all, my posted videos here in an Update. I won't make a video everyday. I'll try to do at least two a week, if not one. Right now all I can do for a video is Doom, Minecraft, Titanfall 2, Kingdom Hearts, Call of Duty Zombies, Destiny 2, Dark Souls 3, and that would be it. Maybe some other game when we get it. I do plan on trying to do DnD in the future, but for that I would at least need some actual cameras and mics. Actual mics, not headsets. And if I were to get eh chance to record Xbox 360 games then I would have a much wider array of games to play, for we've had the Xbox much longer than the Playstation, so we have much more games. Though I need to be 18 to make money from YouTube, but before that can happen I need a set amount of watch time and subscribers. Though I believe that I will meet those requirements when I turn 18, but only time will tell. James might start doing YouTube as well. And he is over 18. As long as his channel can grow he will be fine. Mine can grow slower than his and I'll be fine with it. Anyway, I might post my first video sometime next week. I think I'm goinng to make a video every Tuesday and Thursday, or every Monday and Friday. Or every Sunday and Wednesday. No Saturday. That day is break day. But I don't know. I'll probably roll 2d6s for this. I said no Saturday video so 2d6s for the days I will post a video on. But that is just if I don't think of a good shedule. I might just do one video a week at first, but I don't know. I think I'm going to do Tuesdays and Thurdays as upload days. Yeah, I think that is what I'm going to do.
For my first video I think I'm going to play some Zombies. Origins most likely. Might as well play something I love for my first video, right? Maybe Minecraft. I don't know. Maybe Kingdom Hearts. I want to play something that will grab the audiences attention rather than something I like. Like have my very first video be me completeling the Origins Easter Egg. I don't know though. That something for me to think of Monday. I'll record on Mondays, at least two videos, then edit them and post them on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Sounds like a plan to me. Edit the videos Tuesday and Thursday morninngs. Or the night before. That is up for me to find out when the time comes.
Anyway, so that was about it for now. I'll see you at some other time. Bye!

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