August 19th 2017 12:57 pm Dream I Want To Come True

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so, i don't know if i explained how living in this trailer park sucks. okay, so let's just start off with the people living around me. they hate me. one time i went outside just to sit down, and three adult people were yelling at me to (something i'm not going to say for reasons you will never know) and to kill myself because i was taking up to much space. okay, well that was it with the reason that i hate less, now then. how many beer cans have you seen in a yard? six? ten? how about forty. i've watched one person go into their trailer and get beer after beer after beer. and that was when mom and her friends were smoking weed or something inside. for all i know it was some other drug. this park is filled up with alcoholics, people that do and sell drugs. i have seen some of these deals while they happened. they were in few of my few walks around. people loading small white parcels into the trunk of a car, then one person giving the other rolls of cash. the hell (sorry) is with this place? for all i know people here are making them. to be honest, if i'm not going to runaway, or kill myself. then i just want these people to go to jail, including my..."parents"...they never were anyway. to bruce, james, and ashley yes, they are like children sent from god or whatever while i'm a child from the devil. do i care? no! i don't care if they get caught buying drugs and then ashley and i are sent to child protective services or something. bruce and james are adults. 18 and up. Hell (sorry) i would rather be sent to an orphanage than live here! it's a Dream I Want To Come True. but if i het adopted by people not in portage. well then Kevin is going to have a problem. i hope what i said comes true. not that last part. i want to live in portage for as long as i can. but everything else. please i want it to come true. please.

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