Chapter 364 - "Too Damn Cute..."

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Chapter 364 - "Too Damn Cute..."

Clara's PoV

'John. John move. Your laying on my arm' I scoffed, poking his cheek.


'I have to get up. And so do you. I need to get ready' I mumbled through a haze and a sleepy state which was annoying because now I have to take Autumn to my lecture with me.

I just hope she doesn't end up crying because otherwise I'm in trouble.

'Do you think she'll be okay?' I asked biting my lip, as John handed me three pre- made bottles to feed her as she normally would.

'I think as long as you keep her awake before the lecture that she'll just sleep right through it. It's only two hours. She'll be fine' he shrugged.

'I hope so' I mumbled, having packed absolutely everything which was going to be a nightmare on the bus but I knew I would need it.

Not only did I have my bag full of my laptop and folders - I now had a bloody baby bag and the car seat.

I really couldn't be asked to take the buggy as I was only walking from the bus stop to the uni which is less than a 30 second walk.

'Call me after your lectures done. I'll be there about 1.45?'

'I'll be in my seminar - but I might be able to escape early' I smiled kissing him goodbye and taking Autumn and myself to the bus stop.

- - -

I arrived at uni for my 10 O clock lecture at half 9 and just headed straight to the lecture room, and got her out of the seat to have a stretch, and quickly feed her before people started turning up.

Thankfully she had been awake and gargling baby babble at me all the way on the bus because I purposely kept her awake, so tucked her up in the car seat, and stuck the dummy in her mouth, then placed the car seat right next to me in between the two seats one side of me.

Nobody would even know that she was here.

'Morning' I smiled, waving at Alfie from the front as he came down to say hi.

He was sitting up the back with his friends but he's such a nice person that he always comes and says hi. It's adorable.

'Morning Clara. Are you driving back after the one on one? Mind if I hitch a ride? I'm working at 4 and just want to get back as quick as'

'No problem. Just come and find me and I'll drop us home. I'll text you yeah?' I asked looking up but his eyes were trained on the car seat down beside me. 'She's not really here' I said shrugging my shoulders.

She really wouldn't have been a problem had she not have woken up.

She was so silent and content sleeping for an hour and a half. She banked a few times because her dummy fell out, which I had an eye on and quickly put back in, or she wriggled around a little bit otherwise she was completely as good as gold for most of the lecture until the last 15 minutes, where she just was staring up at me and getting fidgety.

'Just 10 more minutes and I'll feed your I whispered down to her, rummaging quietly through my bag to give her something to cling onto, but of course she can't just stay quiet.

I have to say though she did not cry once... She just got impatient and when she gets impatient all she wants to do is be held.

The end of the lecture finally came around and I wanted to bolt from the room and straight to the seminar, which is exactly what I did.

We had finished 10 minutes early so I just fed her quickly, and kept her in my arms, but it became a problem when I put her back in the seat because she was grizzling.

'What's wrong sweetheart? Shush. John will be here go pick you up in half an hour I promise. And he'll hold you all you want' I hushed her but she wasn't having it, so I just held her in my arms and rolled my eyes.

'Oh my god. She is just too damn cute' someone said, snapping me out of my little bubble, and I looked up.

I realised everyone in the class was staring at me including the lecturer. 'Was she in the lecture the whole time?'

'Umm. Yeah. She was just sleeping' I coughed awkwardly. 'Me and my ex sort of broke up last night and he's gone to Mexico... Thus I had a bit of a mess up in child care. I promise she'll be gone in half an hour' I mumbled, pulling my pen out with one hand.

'She doesn't seem like any trouble' she chuckled.

- - -

Little did I know that Autumn would then become no problem at all because she was stolen from me - by literally everyone in the room.

She was passed around to every single person and they all had a cuddle with her. That was fine by me because it go her off of my back for 10 minutes.

'I thought you'd given your baby up?' Jennifer asked.

'That was the plan - but then real life set in and I decided that I wanted to keep her. I dunno. I couldn't just get rid of her' I mumbled.

'She's so cute' she said as my phone rang.

'Sorry to roam on your parade of baby cuteness, but my friends here to pick her up' I said taking her in my arms and gathering all my stuff.

'Aw man. You need to bring her another time' she said.

'You could always come and see her some time. I'm always happy for people coming and meeting her' I laughed, getting out of the room as fast as I could wondering why on earth I had just offered that?

She's one of those people who will actually take you up on your offer.

'Please don't leave' I whispered a beg to John.


'Stay here with me. Just wait in the canteen... Please'

'But the parkkkkkk' he whined like a child.

'Please' I said desperately.

'Fine! But we're going to see the duckies when your done' he scoffed.

'Your almost 20 years old! Call them Ducks'

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