Chapter 223 - "Common Sense..."

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Chapter 223 - "Common Sense..."

Clara's PoV

'Is there a reason your standing and lingering in my doorway?' I asked, looking at Lilly, as she awkwardly stood there.

'Knock knock' she said laughing as she opened the door completely and stepped in, probably trying to lighten the very tense mood in the room. 'Can I come in?'

'Yeah' I said closing my eyes. I felt the mattress move as she sat down and my body sprung up a bit. 'What do you want?' I asked.

'To knock some sense into you'

'Okay, go for it'


'Try knocking some sense into me. It won't work because common sense wouldn't have let me have sex with anyone without protection, but go ahead give it a go. Common sense wouldn't have let me go clubbing and follow some strange guy out of the club. Common sense wouldn't have got me raped. And common sense certainly wouldn't have fucked up my relationship - so try knocking sense into me... I highly doubt it will work - either way it's too late' I shrugged.

'Have you spoken to him?'

'Who John?'

'No! Jamie Oliver... Of course John you idiot'

'No. Absolutely not'

'Why not?'

'Because I don't want to cause any unneeded ruckus between the two of us at the moment. I've no idea how he's going to react and would really like to have a scan under my belt before I stir things up - plus we have Daniel and Melissa's wedding next weekend and I don't want to ruin that. I promised I would go. He's booked a hotel and everything'

'What about when he wants to have sex at said hotel?'

'Won't happen because he promised nothing happens until I'm ready and I'm not ready' I shrugged.

'Are you going on your own? To the scan that is?'

'Was planning on it. Why? I guess Richard might ask to come seeing as he knows the date of the scan and booked it, but I won't ask'

'Can I come? Your going to need a friend in all of this - especially when you finally tell John. Even more of you find out its not John's kid' she tried.

'Listen Lil. I really would like to stop thinking about that. I was thinking that if I don't know - then we can still raise it together'

'Clara... Common sense. You can't do that to him. You think he'll do that? Even if he agreed now - as soon as he had the baby alone he'd go and get a DNA test done- and okay it may not change anything between you but he won't be able to not know. And second of all its illegal to not put the fathers name on the Birth certificate now - you can't not find out'

'Okay. Okay. I'll think about it closer to the time. I'll ask the nurse and see what she says - but I'm going with not finding out. I'd rather never know'

- - -

'Have you heard this bullshit? Your the only one she's listening too at the moment... You have to talk her round' Lilly muttered as her and Richard grabbed some lunch.

As far as their relationship goes - they get along. Not ready to date yet but get along.

'What are we talking about here?' Richard asked confused and stuffing his face with food.

'She doesn't want to run a DNA test. She wants to not find out who's it is'

'We all know who's kid it is Lil. If she knew the truth and knew for sure it would just be too painful' Richard pointed out.

'You think it's Felix's?'

'It has to be. I'm sorry but the facts add up. I know she could have had unprotected sex with John on New Year's Eve but I still think it's Felix'

'Even though you told her it will all be okay and that your sure it's John's?' Lilly asked.

'She was in distress - what was I supposed to do? At the end of the day I'm on her side all the way in this - and like you said - John will just wait until Clara's backs turned and test the kid then. He'll find out and Clara won't'

- - -

'Morning' Lilly chirped as she skipped down the hall way, and into my room.

I could practically hear her from the bathrooms.

'Hey Richard. How's it going?' Ollie asked and Lilly gave him a death glare. Richard just walked away. Thankfully he didn't bite. 'Did I say something wrong?'

Ollie was on a very thin lifeline with everyone... Especially Richard - very thin.

I had forgiven him, of course Richard couldn't work out or understand why, but I live with him, so I don't want to make it too complicated.

In the end Richard had offered to come to the scan, saying that I need as much support as I can get and seeing as they can't understand why I won't tell John that there should be someone there with me.

John and Ollie however were a whole other story. There's no way John will ever forgive Ollie.

'Let's just go yeah?' I said to Lilly looking up.

I felt really sick and nervous today. Hell I probably looked it.

'Is she okay?' Richard asked directing the question at Lilly but I knew it was for me.

I was far from fine. I had just spent the last 5 days ignoring everything that was about to happen, when I should have been considering how my life is going to change.

'I'm fine?' I snapped. Then felt a little bad. There all just trying to help me. 'I'm sorry yeah. Just feeling a little sick and nervous' I whispered.

'It's fine. I get it' Richard chuckled

'Even still. I shouldn't be snappy.' I mumbled again.

'Shall we just go before John gets here?' Lilly suggested.

Damn the stupid wedding clashing.

I had forgotten the scan was March first and that the wedding was March 2nd. He was picking me up this afternoon and I still wasn't sure what I was going to wear.

Not that I was too worried about that right now. But I had to lie and say I had a last minute lecture so he wouldn't come down too early. Although I'm sure he'll be waiting in my room when I get back.

"Your Dying... But I love you..." - (Chapter 200 onwards)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora