Chapter 232 - "Mr Fluffy..."

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Chapter 232 - "Mr Fluffy..."

Clara's PoV

'Clara. Are you okay?' Richard asked as he opened the front door but I wasn't okay and he knew it. I knew I looked like hell right now.

'No' was all I managed to choke out before taking a step inside the door and collapsing, physically exhausted, mentally and emotionally drained of life.

I should have headed back up to uni this morning but knew there was no point now. There's no way I'd be in a fit state to do any lectures or work tomorrow either way.

Richard caught me in a hug, lifting me up into his arms and I know he didn't know what to do, but I just kept sobbing into his shoulder for quite some time.

The sob's didn't stop.

I wasn't sure that they ever would, but Richard waited patiently before asking any questions or pressing me on anything that I wasn't interested in.

- - -

'You ready to talk?' Richard asked as I sat at the island in his kitchen while he scrambled some eggs.

'Not particularly' I mumbled, but knew I couldn't avoid it for ever.

'Do you hate me for not telling you? I mean I kept his filthy secret for as long as he kept it. And your still here?' He smiled.

'I had nowhere else to go' I admitted. 'Dad just thinks I'm being a miserable teenager. I don't want to talk to Lilly and John just ripped at my heart'


'I know it seems pathetic to be upset over a bracelet okay? But he took it. It had all my charms and memories on. And he just ripped them away from me. It feels like he's taken my entire life practically' I said. 'But no. I don't hate you. Honestly your the only person I really trust at the moment. Your the only person that kind of understands what I'm going through right now' I sniffed.

'I know things seem shit. But they Weill get better'

'How can you say that? He's taken everything Richard. That selfish bastard has taken everything. You have no idea how much I hate him right now' I grumbled.

'You wanna stay tonight?' He asked.

'Could I?'

'Sure. I'll make up the spare room' he smiled.

'No. I don't want to be alone. Can I sleep in your room... With you?' I asked carefully.

'Sure. But I need to pop out. I'll stay until you're asleep' he smiled comfortingly and did indeed help me to go to sleep.

We didn't stay in his room, it was one of the spare rooms but he slept in with me on the top bunk, letting me have the bottom bunk. I was so exhausted that I could easily sleep for a good 8 hours without disturbance.

- - -

'What do you want?' John snapped looking at Richard and rolling his eyes trying to close the door but Richard caught it with his foot.

'Give me the bracelet dude'

'Oh lover boy to the rescue once again, you know I'd be mad but at least it's you and not some Fucking cunt. If your going to sleep with her could you at least get on with it - the suspense is killing me' John snidely smirked.

'Dude. She's in ruins. She won't kick you out of this pregnancy you just have to give the poor girl some time. I swear she'll come around' Richard assured him. 'And as for us - were just friends. Nothing else' Richard lied.

He couldn't deny the feelings he had for Clara. He wasn't sure if they were just feelings if care... Or if he genuinely was falling for Clara painfully slowly. But nothing about it was sexual - to him anyway - and she was pregnant anyway so he knew he wasn't going to make a move.

'Just give me the bracelet' Richard begged.

'All yours. Go and be the hero' John snapped, dropping the bracelet in his hand. 'But tell her this... She ain't getting rid of me. No matter how much you get your claws into her'

- - -

'Hello' I smirked looking at the black and white cat that was sitting on my stomach.

It was quite soothing really. The purrs coming from Mr Fluffy as he breathed in and out silent snores from my stomach.

I sat up and the cat shifted from my stomach to my lap, and I leant on the headboard. I sighed and started talking to the cat.

The way Mr Fluffy was sitting was easy to talk too. He was so adorable. 'So is there a reason your on my lap?' I smirked.

Obviously I realise cats can't talk back but suddenly it was a good release. It was nice to talk to the cat and pretend it was the baby.

And it helped me make some decisions.

'Are you talking to my cat?' Richard asked as he shifted on the bunk above me.

'Shit I forgot you were up there' I grunted and then decided it was time for a vomiting splurge. I jumped up from the bed and straight into the en suite bathroom.

'Well there go the eggs' Richard smirked as he handed me some tissue and then a glass of water.

'Ugh don't talk about eggs or food. I feel sick enough as it is' I groaned.

'Okay, just some tea instead then maybe?' He chuckled as we headed down to his kitchen but I pulled the fluffy cat into my arms and he settled quite happily on the sofa, while I waited for my tea.

'Thanks for letting me stay' I smiled as he stood I front of me.

'It's okay. I'm always here' he smirked. 'Anyway. I've got a present for you. Did a little sucking up and managed to get this back' Richard said lifting my wrist and clasping the silver bracelet back around my wrist.

I gasped and my eyes went all watery and glassy with emotion.


'I went and saw him last night. He was going to give it back anyway. I just got it a little earlier' he chuckled as I admired the bracelet I treasure so dearly.

'Thank you so much' I whispered into his face but pulled him in for a hug. I was so absorbed in finally having it back that I almost didn't see the new addition.

It was a bottle.

"Your Dying... But I love you..." - (Chapter 200 onwards)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang