Chapter 390 - "Flights..."

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Chapter 390 - "Flights..."

Clara's PoV

'Come on sweetheart. Shush. Go to sleep' I whispered over the cot as she grizzled whilst I waited for John to come back with the calpol.

Not only is she Ill now and about to get on an 8 hour flight - but she is cutting teeth.

'Shush. I know it hurts' I mumbled.

'Here. Try this. Dose her up for the night' John instructed, placing it in her mouth but she ends up biting it rather than actually swallowing it.

'I hate it when she's not well. I like it when she giggles and is happy'

'I know. Now come on. Finish packing your suitcases. I'll watch her'

'I never realised just how much there is to take for a baby. She fills up a suitcase and a half - and her clothes are really small. It's so confusing.

'Are you sure you can't come with us tomorrow? It's going to be so depressing spending 4 days without you' I mumbled.

'I'll be with you soon. I promise'

- - -

'Is taking her skiing the best use of resources? She can't ski. She'll just get in the way. You can just leave her here with her favourite Grandad'

'I'm not leaving her with you Dad. And I'm certainly not leaving her with that witch your insistent on flaunting around, around here. She's my daughter' I scoffed.

'Are you ever going to get over that? Georgia is a lovely person?' He scoffed.

'I'm sure she is. But I just don't like you replacing Mum' I mumbled.

'It's been 5 years'

'Yeah. 5 years the day I came home and found the pair of you playing tonsil tennis on the sofa' I scoffed.

'That's not true. And anyway, she's a lovely person and you'll have loads of chances to get to know her'

'I won't. Because I don't live at home anymore. I don't need to keep coming home Dad. I guess if you want to see me and Autumn from now on - you'll have to come to me - And don't bring the witch with you' I scoffed, taking Autumn from Dad and handing her to John who was buckling her in the back.

The flight consisted of Richard, Lilly, Doug, Autumn and me. Unfortunately there was some work and other commitments John just couldn't get out of but would be joining us in 4 days.

'Your not serious?'

'I've moved out properly now Dad. Autumn and I live here' I smiled, kissing his cheek and dragging my suitcase out whilst he dragged Autumns case behind him.

'You'll call though right?'

'It's a 10 day trip Dad. I'll be back two days before Christmas Eve' I smiled walking over to the car where John was saying goodbye to Autumn.

'Bye munchkin. Don't keep Mummy up the whole flight - and see you in a few days' he chuckled.

I hugged him tight and jumped in the front, as we headed off to the airport.

Realistically I had thought about leaving her behind with my Dad - but then the witch came along and I decided she could come.

Lilly said she wouldn't even go out on the skis - something to do with a terrible ski trip as a child but I don't know - but that Doug and Richard would so she'll watch Autumn.

I also checked with the hotel and there's a crèche anyway if we want to all go out on the mountain one day.

- - -

'I actually hate flying now' I grumbled, as I took my seat, next to Richard - not that this was going to be awkward at all.

We actually had a 4 because of the sky cot for Autumn, whilst Lilly and Doug sat behind us in another row of 4.

'Why? You used to be quite the little traveller'

'Used to be' I said.

Thankfully Richard did a pretty good job at keeping her occupied while we waited for the seat belt sign to ding - but she cried a little when the plane took off because it was a loud noise I guess.

'Look Autumn. Look at the book that Richards reading you' I said pointing at it as she moved her head.

She doesn't really sit up yet but she is only 3 months old - although I suppose she's closer to 4 months old, but either way she's got just enough in her to hold her head up when sitting on someone's lap.

I wasn't looking forward to 8 hours on a flight and I certainly wasn't looking forward to the 5 hour time difference because she's so demanding when on her schedule let alone off of it.

'Shall we go and look out the window? See if we can't get you to sleep' Richard said, taking her from my arms and headed to the back of the plane.

I then proceeded to shuffle through my bag and pull the bottle out, dumping in the milk and heading off to find a flight attendant to warm the milk for us a little.

- - -

'I don't get it. Why won't she settle?' I scoffed, as she laid in the sky cot and looked up at me.

She wasn't crying but she was just being miserable and grumpy, wriggling around, not actually going to sleep.

'I don't know. Maybe she's sick of seeing us' Richard said, as he stuffed his face with the complementary dinner.

I hadn't even looked at mine yet, just because she won't settle. Every time I move she gets uncomfortable and grizzles.

Thankfully she's not crying so she's not one of those kinds of babies who spend the entire 8 hour flight crying but she just won't go to sleep.

'Hand her back here. We're finished eating anyway' Lilly said, as I scooped her up and handed her to Lilly who then handed her to Douglas who managed to keep her occupied while I ate my dinner.

'How did you manage that?' I scoffed turning around to see her asleep in Doug's arms, and Lilly resting her head on his shoulder.

'I guess I've just got that natural talent' he smirked.

'He's talented at everything. You guys should get to know each other way more. He'd be a great baby sitter' Lilly clapped.

'No offence lil. As cool and as nice as you are Doug - please don't take offence by this - but after the whole Lola debacle, I need to get to know and trust you to be able to get you to baby sit. I'd rather you didn't run off with my Daughter and try to jump off the roof' I said turning round and closing my eyes for a moment.

'You okay?' Richard asked.

'Yeah. I'm fine. Just exhausted that's all' I admitted.

'Well that's kind of the point of a holiday. You can do loads of sleeping whilst your there, and catch up over Christmas' he smirked.

'It just doesn't feel like exhausted because of being busy. I just feel exhausted all together' I sighed, resting my head and going to sleep.

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