Chapter 241 - "Anger and Overreactions..."

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Chapter 241 - "Anger and Overreactions

Clara's PoV

'You think it's okay to get her pregnant and then fuck off?' My Dad yelled as he held John against his will forcefully against the wall. 'You think it's acceptable to knock a girl up and then disappear. Run away like a cowered' he yelled some more.

Jane didn't even try to defend John. She just watched from the edge of the room, arms folded and scolding rude nothing's under her breath.

'Dad it might not even be his kid' I yelled and realised there was no way of getting out of this now.

You probably want to know how we even got to the moment where my Dad decided to take a stab at choking John to death.

- - -

*6 hours Earlier*

'Clara are you okay?' Lilly asked as we got back to the house and I went to my room.

John had gone home. We parted ways at the hospital and he went back to Janes to explain everything to her. We figured she would probably be far more understanding than my Dad, so I agreed for him to tell her first.

'October. I'm going to have a bloody baby in October Lil. What the hell am I going to do?' I whispered.

'Oh god, that's closer than you think as well' she said, as I stuffed some clothes in my rucksack. 'What are you doing?'

'Going home. Just for a few days. I need to speak to my Dad' I said.

'Your not driving. Not in your state. Your way to fragile to drive' Richard snapped.

'Then I'll get the train' I said throwing it on my back and picking up my phone. 'I'll be back in a few days' I assured her and headed out.

'Do you want me to come?' Richard asked, internally panicking about me being alone I guess, but it's not dark so I should be fine.

'No. This is probably something that me and John should do alone, but I'll call as soon as I'm I my way back up' I said as he hugged me.

'Keep me in the loop' he smirked.

My mind kept wandering now. I had to wait 5 days for the post to come. 5 days for the results.

5 days for it to potentially say it's over.

Either way I'll cry. We can't know either way. The only thing that fills me with a bit of hope is that John has O blood which is rare. But of course we don't know for sure that Felix doesn't have O blood either. I hate John and don't want to be with him for a while but still love him and can't do this on my own.

But then I'm still debating just not opening the envelope. Just leaving it under my bed and forgetting about it.

- - -

It didn't take me too long to get to the station and was only about 90 minutes to get to Ealing Station.

I knew I could get the bus home from there but got off a couple of stops early to take a walk.

I needed fresh air and the the idea of a walk sounded good. So I got off three stops before my stop and walked to the front door.

'Why are you home?' Dad asked as I walked through the door.

'Can a Daughter not visit their Dad spontaneously?'

'Not when you spent a month moaning about how much you wanted to leave' he said eyebrow raised. 'How much money do you need?' He laughed.

'Im sorry. I-- I didn't know where else to go. Or what else to do' I sniffed, suddenly letting everything get to me and collapsed on the floor in the hallway.

''What's wrong? Clara? Something tells me this isn't about money?' He said crouching down and patting my back. He's not exactly a touchy feely kind of man so it was no surprise that he wasn't much help. 'Come on. Let's get you in the lounge' he said helping me up and leading me towards the sofa.

'What's wrong? You haven't cried this much since you broke up with your boyfriend. Have you guys broken up again?' He asked as I shifted my body weight from the sofa to practically on his lap like a child again and cried in his chest.

'I don't know. I really don't know. I mean I do know. Yes I guess but that's not why I'm crying ' I said crying harder and wanting so much to just whither away now.

I'm 19 years old and I've come home to cry in my Dads arms. I need to seriously buck up and get some balls.

'What's wrong though? I hate to say it but you and John have broken up more times than I can count. You'll be fine in the end' he assured.

'Only because I'm pregnant' I whispered and his whole frame stiffened.

I knew he was not amused by this but thankfully he didn't push me away from him. If anything he hugged me tighter. He was probably expecting it - it's not like we've never been here before.

This was the reaction I needed from John. But no he just freaked out and shagged some hoe instead.

'Wait you said you wasn't sure if your broken up or not? Are you?'

'I don't know. I mean yes. We had a massive argument but went to the hospital and were civil with each other so I just don't know' I said and he stood up grabbing his keys.

'Where are you going?'

'You don't knock up a girl, and fuck off thinking you can get way with it'' he growled angrily. Which as actually ironic given the possibility of the circumstances.

The fact that someone literally could have knocked me up and fucked off.

- - -

'You think it's okay to get her pregnant and then fuck off?' My Dad yelled as he held John against his will forcefully against the wall. 'You think it's acceptable to knock a girl up and then disappear. Run away like a cowered' he yelled some more.

'Dad your taking this way out of proportion' I yelled.

'Oh he deserves everything that comes to him' my Dad growled.

'Dave I think you should let go. He can't actually breathe' Jane said rolling her eyes.

'I couldn't care less' he said gripping him tighter but released his grip, as John fell to the floor coughing and trying to gasp for breath.

'It might not even be his kid' I yelled out making everyone in the room go dead silent. 'Are you okay?' I asked wiping the tears and crouching down in front of him.

He doesn't deserve my care. But somehow I do.

'Who cares' my Dad scoffed.

'Me' I growled through the tears, rubbing John's back helping him get the air to his lungs and not pass out rummaging through his pockets for his inhaler.

"Your Dying... But I love you..." - (Chapter 200 onwards)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin