Chapter 391 - "First Meal..."

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Chapter 391 - "First Meal..."

Clara's PoV

'Whoa. This place is massive' I said, as I pulled the baby seat in, and looked at the hotel room.

It had a big double bed and luscious bathroom, and had an interconnecting door to Richards room which could be a good thing or a bad thing.

When John gets here hell bunk in with me which I'm more than okay with.

'This is brilliant' I said placing the seat down and flopped onto the luscious double bed and could fall asleep for hours on it.

'You can't sleep now. We're all going out for dinner' Richard said, walking through from his room where I decided the interconnecting door was not going to be a good idea and so locked that almost instantly after he left.

- - -

'Right. Your so coming out clubbing with us tonight' Richard said as he looked over at Doug and Lilly.

'What about Autumn?'

'Lilly's going to stay with her. Me and Doug are taking you out'

'What's the point?' I scoffed as we sat at the table and the waitress pulled up a high chair which she is probably too small for, but would enjoy sitting in anyway.

'Well. Call it a Christmas thing then. It'll be fun' Richard said. 'And there's no way your getting out of it'

'I'll watch her all night Clara, so you really won't have to worry about her until the morning' Lilly agreed, making me sad but I also felt like I hadn't been out in ages.

Of course I'd rather stay here and catch up on sleep but I suppose there's 9 other days for that.

'Fine' I mumbled, and looked at my Daughter in her high chair. 'God I can't believe she's in a high chair already. She used to be an teeny tiny baby, and now she's sitting in a high chair - Richard stop feeding her chips. She'll get obese'

'Oh please. She'll be fine. She needs to start eating solids anyway'

'She's not even 4 months old until January. Why does she need to eat food now? She rather likes milk and rice'

'At least give her some of your ice cream. I'll bet she'll love it' Richard said as I put the tinniest bit of ice cream on my spoon and she devoured the spoon.

Her little face went all crumpled up because it was cold but then she realised that it actually tasted quite nice and I could see her looking at Richard for more.

'Why is she looking at you? It was me who gave it too her'

'I'm just more fun' Richard said leaving me in awe. And he probably was right. He was just far more fun and exciting.

- - -

I stood in front of the mirror as Lilly sat on my bed, with Autumn laid out in the middle wriggling around on her tummy.

She actually hates being on her tummy but I want her to be able to crawl as soon as is humanly possible, so I want her to get into the habit now.

I can just imagine her crawling and  chasing all the guys around our flat - I bet it would be adorable.

I was wearing my black skinny jeans and a Burgundy shirt tucked in, with my brown boots, brown leather jacket, white scarf and white hat.

Doesn't seem very dressy for going clubbing but I really don't want to attract attention. I'm still really nervous around places like that. I love Autumn with everything I have but I'd rather not end up with another one.

'You look fine Clara, like you say - your not looking for a hook up. Your just going out for a bit of fun' Lilly smirked.

'I'm still not sure about this' I said nervously, with a twitching eye.

'If you had fallen down the stairs then you wouldn't avoid the stairs forever would you? You can't avoid places for parties and things forever. You have to get on board with it' she said assuringly, as I tickled Autumns tummy making her giggle.

'Bye munchkin. Mummy will see you in the morning' I said kissing her forehead and picking up my purse. 'If this goes horribly wrong - it's on you' I scoffed, shutting the door. 'And move to your room' I yelled.

- - -

'3 bottles of beer' Richard said to the tender as me and Doug went to sit down at one of the tables. 'See it's not so bad' Richard said handing me the beer which I downed in one shot.

'You might want to slow down'

'I drink fast when I'm nervous' I said standing up. 'Anybody want another?' I asked looking at them both, who hadn't even started their drink and headed to the bar myself.

'This is not going to end well dude' Doug pointed out.

'Eh. Let her have fun' Richard smirked, but Doug was pretty sure that Richard had other ideas.

- - -

'God Clara. Come on. Let's get you back to your room' Richard smirked, literally holding me up.

I wasn't even that drunk. Although I had tripped up the stairs once or twice, which is why he directed me towards the lift instead.

One thing about me when I'm drunk of course is that I am a very touchy feely person.

'Right time for bed' Richard said, pushing the door open and smirked at Doug behind him.

'Is that an offer?' I said pulling him on top of me.

'Whoa. God Clara. Your very drunk and I'm not sleeping with you while your drunk' he smirked.

'Is that going to be a problem?'

'Yes' he chuckled, climbing off of me so I pushed him into the bed and jumped on top of him.

'You alright dude?' Doug said, as he looked down on us.

'I've got this. Don't worry' Richard said rather - well squeamishly - under me.

'But she's got John?' Doug warned telling him not to do anything stupid. If only I hadn't been so pissed.

'It's fine. I'll sort it'

- - -

'She sleeping okay?' Doug smirked as he walked into Lilly's hotel room and admired Lilly with Autumn in her arms.

'We've had lots of fun thank you very much. We went for a little walk and found a small cat to talk too. Autumn loved the cat. How was your night out'

'So when Clara was dating John before? Did she cheat with Richard?'

'Umm... No' she nodded, bouncing the baby up and down and went towards the cot. 'Why?'

'Dunno. You just never really explained anything and then there was me walking in on you and Richard the other day kind of flirting and I just wondered if there's something about the four of you your not telling me... I mean have you all dated each other?' he said pulling his jacket off. 'I'm also a bit worried about the fact that Richard might not be keeping the distance he should be'


'You don't sound honest?' He said with a raised eyebrow, so she put the baby down.

'I take it there's something your not telling me' Doug said looking at Lilly, with accusing eyes.

'Not really. I mean -- Clara's dated Richard and John... So what?' Lilly shrugged - not wanting to get into this conversation right now.

'Why are you such good friends with Richard? Why are you friends with an ex?'

'How did you know about that?' Lilly scoffed looking at him.

'When you hang around with your girlfriends ex boyfriend... You pick things up. Now tell me the truth. What the hell is going on with you two?'

"Your Dying... But I love you..." - (Chapter 200 onwards)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora