Chapter 303 - "Wake up Call..."

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Chapter 303 - "Wake up Call..."

Clara's PoV

I stirred in my sleep and I knew when I woke up at 2am that something wasn't quite right.

She wasn't sitting right and hadn't moved at all yet.

When I wake up during the night she tends to move around - hell she's normally the reason for me waking up at night in the last month.

I climbed out of the bed and headed for the bathroom anyway, switched the light on and felt the worst cramp I've ever felt in my life.

I needed a wee badly but it wasn't just an ordinary cramp. It was one hell of a cramp and made me squeak in pain. I knew then that this wasn't right, but then looked at my self in the mirror.

'Oh hell no. No. No. No. Not now. This is too soon' I whispered down at the bump. 'Your too early, just move back to how you were. Or at the very least wait 24 more hours' I said stroking the bump like it was going to make a difference.

To hell it was.

She was facing down, and I knew that.

I'd read all sorts of things online that when the baby starts to face down that she's ready, and then the midwife said that in Paris, she was a bit worried about the fact she was getting into a birth position.

But maybe I was overreacting?

Maybe I was just imagining things?

So I peed in fear that I might pee the baby and headed back to the bed but it wasn't too much longer later that I realised this was happening and it was happening today.

Well this morning.

Well now.

I couldn't think properly and didn't want to panic but I'm only 35 weeks. So this can't be good.

'Fuck' I squeaked in panic looking at the bed sheet.

I can't have a baby today.

I didn't know what to do but suddenly I was very glad that Richard had stayed and had fallen asleep next to me. Of course I wish he hadn't been in my bed at this second.

I would rather have not had my waters break in the bed.

'Richard' I whispered in a harsh panic, and turned the light on by my bed. Thankfully I don't think contractions had started yet but I knew enough about labour to know that once your Fucking waters break that all the screaming comes next.

'What?' He mumbled still half asleep and shocked when the light hit his half dead eyes immediately. 'What's wrong?'

'I think I might be in labour' I whispered desperate to cover any dignity that I had left wanting to get to the woman who has been through this before.

The only person was Jane in this situation who had actually had a baby before and knew what she was talking about.

'Clara your 35 weeks? How would you even know?' He said like it was some kind of joke. 'It's 2.30 in the morning. Can't I just sleep?' He mumbled.

'Richard I'm serious. I think - well they did - I'm pretty sure that my waters have just broken'

'What?' He said suddenly jumping too.

'Please get Jane' I begged, looking at him in the eyes frightened as hell right now.

- - -

It was safe to say I was the one that was freaking out. But Richard was pacing like an idiot. He couldn't form coherent sentences from panic.

He couldn't even pack a bag.

I wish I had been far more prepared and had an overnight bag packed and ready for myself.

But instead it was a rush of people in and out of my room, packing bags and looking for things that would be needed.

'Just pack some clothes she'll need. A few underpants, tops and leggings. We can send for the rest of it later. She might not even be in full labour yet' she said taking my hands and crouching down in front of me, where the tears had already started. 'Your going to be fine' she assured me.

'But I'm not even 35 weeks until tomorrow. That still counts as 34 weeks' I whispered, through the panicked tears.

'That's perfectly okay. Everything is going to be fine okay. Now have you had any contractions?' She asked soothingly and I had to say that I was glad she was here. And that I was here because my Dad would have been completely useless at trying to keep me calm.

I know that for a fact, and I don't think that John would have been much better. Looking over at Richard in the corner of the room - I realised he was no more help than John would have been.

'I -- I don't know. I felt something before my waters broke. But I don't know if it was a contraction or if it was just a thing for that' I breathed pointing at the mess in my bed.

'Okay. Change into some clean underwear and leggings. I'll wait in the hallway and we'll get going straight away' she assured sending David to get the car going and motioned Richard to kick himself into gear. 'Take the pillow Richard' she said handing him my pillow and he left the room going to find a jacket.

- - -

I was more than thankful when I was in the back of the car, and Richard was trying to say soothing words of encouragement but so far it wasn't so bad.

I wasn't really having any contractions and there was a part of my brain that was telling me it was a false alarm, but David was on the phone to John and it was not good.

It was on loud speaker so it was easy to hear the panic in John's voice.

'I don't get on a plane for another 4 hours. And then there's customs and the airport. Jane what the hell do I do?' John snapped in fear and anger at the same time.

I knew he would be scolding himself for going on the trip now and I knew he was not happy to get this wake up call.

It was 3.30am at this point here making it 4.30am for him.

Thankfully he was awake and at the airport and I kind of wished we hadn't told him now because he'll spend the entire flight worrying and panicking.

'Calm down John. She hasn't even had any contractions yet. She might not even be in full labour yet. We just have to wait and see' Jane said keeping relatively calm about all this.

'Oh god. She's only 34 weeks' he panicked.

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