Chapter 386 - "Crying..."

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Chapter 386 - "Crying..."

Clara's PoV

'Morning' John smiled as he wandered into my room and noted me sitting at my desk. 'How can you write an essay whilst cradling a grizzling and crying baby?'

'She will not let me put her down. I don't think she's very well. She wouldn't take the bottle this morning and I think she's definitely got a temperature' I pouted, tapping a few keys, as I felt his arms wrap around my neck and kiss my head.

'Your over reacting. All Mums over react the first time their baby potentially gets sick. She's fine. All babies have down days' he promised, taking her from my arms and laid her on the bed where she was properly crying and running her hands around her stomach like she'd worked out how to itch herself.

Then a thought occurred to me.

'You don't think she's got the chicken pox do you?' I said standing up and briskly running the perimeter of the room to where she was laid on the bed and inspected her stomach. 'God I should have paid more attention last night when she had a rash' I said pointing at the blisters forming on her stomach.

'Fuck. She's only three months old. And she's a premie baby. Crap' John said, pulling up her baby grow, and making me jump.

'I bloody bathed her yesterday and didn't even see them' I scoffed at myself like an idiot that I was.

'There's nothing you could or can do. You've just got to let it ride out' John said comfortingly, as he took the grizzling infant in his arms.

'I'll book an emergency appointment now. I know they'll just tell me that it's chicken pox and there's nothing that they can do - but I want to make sure. Plus she was born prematurely so it might end badly' I said.

'Good plan. I'll let everyone in the house know. Just in case they haven't had them. Where on earth did she possibly contract chicken pox from?'

'Could have been anywhere... But has she been in contact... Or have you I guess been in contact with anyone with chicken pox?'

'Richard did. He was with his nephew last week. He had them. But Richard didn't contract it - how did she manage to get them? She didn't go anywhere near the baby' I sighed in annoyance now.

'She was born prematurely like you said. She could pick up any infection or illness easily'

'This is so just a bad time to get ill' I said holding my face in my hands. 'I've got so much to do. I've got to write three reports and two essays to hand in and submit by next Friday. That's only 7 days' I whined.

- - -

'Poor little munchkin. I feel really bad now' Richard pouted as I put some pink mittens on her hands so that she would be restricted on itching.

'Well it's your fault, what person takes a prematurely born baby to a house with a baby who's sick? Your an idiot' John scoffed, as we tried to get her to swallow some baby Calopl as she really needed something to help with the temperature that she was supporting.

'Hush' I scoffed. I thought we had had quite enough of this rude behaviour but evidently not. 'We weren't to know. And she's had her latest injections. How were we to know what was going to happen'

'It's still his fault' he mumbled.

'Oh shut up John, it is what it is. She's got them now and in some ways it's a good thing because then she won't get them when she's older' I scoffed. 'Maybe she should have a bath. The warm water might soothe her skin' I said debating it.

'I'll do it. You've got essays and reports and things to write' John said.

'It's fine. I can bath her' I tutted, scooping her and her bath things up then went into the bathroom.

- - -

'Hey Clara. Are you okay?' Lilly asked as she opened the bathroom door and wandered in.

'Just bathing Autumn' I chuckled, as her eyes strained and trained to what Lilly had in her hand and squirted some water from the rubber duck she had in her hand making the infant giggle.

'I can see that. Is she okay? With the chicken condemning her?'

'I don't think the illness is based off of an actual chicken' I pointed out. 'What are you doing here? I thought you were spending the weekend with your boyfriend?'

'That was the plan - but he hasn't had chicken pox and it's a little more risky for an adult - so I decided to steer clear. I highly doubt I would pass it on but you just never know' she shrugged.

She handed me the fluffy pink bunny rabbit towel and I wrapped up her tiny body in it and instructed Lilly to go and get her dressed into a less itchy baby grow while I made her formula.

'Is everything alright Clara?' Richard asked.

'I'm fine. Just got loads to do - but then so have you. You have exams next week don't you?'

'Yeah. But it's fin--'

'I'm not having you do shit in your exams because Autumn is ill' I yawned, with the formula in my hands.

I went back to my room and covered her hands again, making sure the baby grow was covering her whole body, and placed her gently in the basket after her not eating a lot of the milk at all.

'You should get some sleep' John smiled.

'I will in a minute. I've got a lot to do at the moment' I said, collapsing on my bed and lifting the lid of the lap top starting to type away.

- - -

I must of passed into unconsciousness for sleep at about midnight, because when I woke up - my laptop was sprawled on the bed and paper work everywhere.

I groaned having fallen asleep sitting up because it had really hurt my neck, and glanced over at the clock.

It was strange because I set alarms for feeding times, but I had slept through it which did not fill me with a whole lot of confidence.

I pulled myself out of bed and tried to pull the contacts out of my eyes, because they had practically moulded into my eyes as I out my glasses on and strolled into my room.

It was as I looked over into her basket that something wasn't right.

She's a wriggler.

She moves in her sleep all the time, but she was quite still and her face was flushed.

I gasped as I placed a hand to her cheek and realised her temperature had spike dramatically and placed my ear close to her chest, realising that she was sounding very wheezy.

'John' I whispered, knowing that he's pretty good in crisis.

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