Chapter 348 - "Opportunity for the Future..."

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Chapter 348 - "Opportunity for the Future..."

Clara's PoV

'Are you sure you want to look after her? I'm in lectures and classrooms all day, so if there's any problems you'll have to call my Dad' I said, handing the bag over.

'She's fricken 2 months old. I haven't got too much of a worry about her' John smirked, as Lola stared in from the lounge. 'Anyway. I think she'll like a trip to unit'

'Is there a reason as to why your girlfriend is staring at me?' I whispered to John when we were facing the other way.

'I don't know. But she's up for helping...' John pointed out.

'I'd rather she didn't if I'm honest' I pouted.

'Hey. I'm going to do it at the end of the week I promise' he said running a thumb across my cheek making my breath stop suddenly. 'It just doesn't seem appropriate now' he whispered.

'Yeah. Okay' I mumbled.

'Anyway. The more help the better I guess'

'You worried that a 2 month old is going to cause problems? Let me know and I'll call some of the other babies and see if they can help you' I smirked, as he rolled his eyes. 'Look I won't be able to get out so if there really is a problem either call my Dad or Richard said that he would be on standby'

'I have looked after a baby before' he scoffed. 'And Lola is here like you said. She's looked after babies before too' he shrugged. 'I don't need any help from lover boy'

'Fine. Be good sweetheart. Mummy will be back tonight' I promised her and kissed her forehead, as her big brown eyes followed me out of the room, and I heard a small wail.

That wail makes me cry myself every time I hear it. I hate seeing or hearing her cry.

'Go Clara. Do not even think about turning back around' he scoffed, slamming the door.

I didn't really want to leave her with him but in the end he was the only person who was available to look after her today. Of course if we're getting back together hell want to help anyway so why not test run him?

I had asked Richard but he's working and I shouldn't dump her on him all of the time, and she can't go to the nursery until next month.

- - -

'So. What are you doing with the little munchkin today?' Lola asked, looking over at the tiny baby.

'I was thinking maybe taking her to the park later on - but I have to take a trip to unit this morning now' John scoffed checking his email again.

'Should you take her to work? Would Clara approve?'

'Of course she wouldn't - but Clara isn't here and what she doesn't know won't hurt her... Maybe you could come with us... You could keep an eye on her I guess while Im in the office' he smirked, picking up the phone. 'I'll be there in half an hour but if you haven't sorted out the problem by the time I leave then so help me...' He mumbled as Lola spoke to Autumn.

'Your a special little girl' she hummed, as she slept soundly. 'But your most certainly in the wrong family' she grinned, stroking her cheek.

- - -

'Clara. I've been thinking. Could we have a chat?' The head of education asked me as I stood outside the interview room. 'Meet me in my office after this tour' he smiled.

I was helping out with the interviews for the following years hopefuls as teachers, doing campus tours and things - not that I'm a massive influence because I had a kid less than two months ago - but people liked to point that out.

'So what did you get? What did you come out of your first year with?' One parent asked.

'A first surprisingly... Well to my surprise anyway'

'You must have worked really hard?'

'I worked yes. I guess' I shrugged.

'Worked? And she had a kid. She's a fricken genius of she can get those grades and be pregnant at the same time' someone scoffed making me want to punch them in the face.

I don't need to tell people things like that. I worked as other people work and got the outcome I wanted.

- - -

'So... I want to make you an offer'

'Meaning?' I asked confused.

'Meaning I still want to offer you you the scholarship to America' he said as I gasped.

'America? Wow. I'm honoured' I whispered. 'But umm - I never gave my Daughter up. The logistics of going to America with a baby just isn't possible. Who would look after her while I was working or at uni? I just don't know if it will be possible?' I muttered.

'Clara I really want you to consider this. It's great opportunity to get to work in schools in a different country and get you some experience that you could really do with?'

'And it's fully paid?'

'You'd fly out in January for the beginning of the year and come back at the end of April. You'll be put up in a one room flat with kitchen and things'

'I can't leave her here. I can't leave without her. I wouldn't be able to cope' I pouted.

'Can't you take someone with you?' He asked. Of course I could - either of the guys or Lilly even would be happy to study anywhere in the world but I just don't know how feasible it will really be.

I can't take John and not Richard but they might both do my head in together but then I don't want to go 5 months without seeing Richard it John in fact and I don't think that they would be able to go that long without seeing her. She'd be almost 8 months by the time we would come home... But I really want this opportunity.

'I'll have to talk to my friends' I sighed, standing up.

'It's a £20,000 pound trip Clara. You'd be crazy to not go for it' he said. 'I wish I had your chance...'

'Even with a two month old baby?' I asked with a raised eyebrow.

He said nothing but knew I made a good point.

It really was a great opportunity and I really would be stupid I guess to not take it up. 'If I did take it... Would I be able to take her with me? Would their be facilities where she could be looked after? Like a baby sitting service or something?'

'You can look into it. I'm sure there would be. Most hotels come with that kind of thing these days. You'd have to pay for her flight and she'd need a passport but I can't see why not. It is possible to take her with you' he smiled, glad that I was at least considering it.

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