Chapter 248 - "Intervention...?"

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Chapter 248 - "Intervention...?"

Clara's PoV

'Right that's it. I've had enough of this moping' I said as I stood up from the toilet. This mornings splurge of vomiting made me feel as shit as normal but I was beginning to go crazy.

Sickness is supposed to pass by 12 weeks but alas I'm on week 13 and still puking. But the midwife did say that hopefully it should go by 20 weeks. It'll just be a bit longer for me.

'What's up with you? Have you had some sort of midlife crisis during your sickness this morning?' Lilly asked when I went into the kitchen.

'No. Well yeah I guess I have actually. But I know that I'm going insane. We haven't done anything remotely fun in weeks... Months even. So I'm staging an intervention' I said as I cleaned out my mouth, spitting water into the sink as Richard handed me a mint. He's pretty prepared with the mints. It's probably the latest smoking he's doing.

I should find it bad, but it's actually quite hot. Even when John smoked a few times in social moments it was really attractive.

'Your proposing an intervention?' Richard smirked handing me a glass of water. 'Your situation and your staging an intervention?'

'Shut up' I said slapping his chest, as he subtly pressed me up against the counter brushing past.

'And what exactly are you proposing?' Lilly asked.

'A party. I'm not saying we have to invite everyone just a bit of fun. People, alcohol and balloons' I smirked proud of my idea.

'Okay. But do you really want to throw a party? Your 13 weeks pregnant? You can't even drink. How will it possibly be fun?' She said.

'You leave that to me'

'What are we having a party for exactly? There has to be some sort of theme' Ollie said piping up from the corner. I wanted to ignore him but seeing as he and Lilly were insistent on Fucking again, I couldn't ignore him too much.

Richard would beg to differ but I live with him - I can't avoid it forever.

'No. Why does there? Doesn't the fact that I'm throwing a party count? I just feel like it okay. It's something to do I guess. It'll be fun. Now get on board. Pleassee' I begged. 'And it will be a good distraction from the fact that my body is aching way more than I want it too, and changing at a faster rate than I can keep up with' I begged once again giving her the eyes and I knew she would not say no to that.

She smiled nodding excitedly. 'Okay. Let's have a party' she grinned.

- - -

When Amy and Rory arrived it was really nice to see them and get to catch up with them, and of course they had heard about the pregnancy in passing.

But they hadn't heard about how the pregnancy had come about so I was trying to scoot around the edges but they did know that John had slept with Crystal.

Obviously this had got around even though I would have rather it hadn't.

'Are you two coming out?' Rory asked as Richard was making me food in the kitchen bit and I sat on the sofa watching him.

'Nah. Going out isn't as fun when your pregnant' I said which was a great excuse.

'Well the whole house is going out so if you get lonely - just call' Lilly said dragging them and Ollie out of the common room and left.

'I won't get lonely. I've got Richard'

I smirked as Richard handed me the toastie which looked really nice, and I tucked in almost straight away.

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