Chapter 325 - "Flatpack's..."

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Chapter 325 - "Flatpack's..."

Clara's PoV

'Okay, so painting' I said not really sure where to start.

'The walls obviously' Richard smirked handing me a paint brush. My Dad had given us full permission to paint the spare room pink, as the Maitland's have headed back up to black pool, meaning the spare room is ours again, and it means that Autumn can have that room whenever we or she is here.

I watched as he opened the lids of the light pink paint, and then he just basically thew pain at the wall and started making what he likes to call, "brushstrokes"

'Oh my god what are you doing? Your throwing paint very literally at the wall. Have some precision' I squeaked.

'Were not all artists like you Clara' he said rolling his eyes. It's times like these that I wish John was helping, because he is really quite good when it comes to being organised, but he wasn't coming until later to help with the furniture.

Autumn was doing really well and I was going to go and see her this evening but Lilly said she was happy to go in and see her this morning while we set up a bit, for her to come home.

'Okay, come on. Just put the brush to the wall' he said but to make this more fun, I took the roller and painted his back Pink, and he jumped.

I hadn't been able to be properly flirty in months, so now I have a lot of making up to do. Especially now that we can have sex without a child in the way.

'Clara... What the hell are you doing... That was a good shirt' he pouted a little bit upset.

'Oh, come on. It's just paint' I said and he suddenly flicked some back at me.

'It's pink paint'

'I know right' I smirked skipping away from him.

'Wait... It looks like I missed a spot' he breathed stepping forwards and painted my nose with pink paint. God I hope this paint comes off of me and my clothes.

Then he chased me around the room flicking paint at me as I threw some paint back at him.

But then I tripped and fell into him on the top of the dust sheet covering the spare bed.

I looked down and kissed him, all the while he had his hands in my hair probably pushing paint right through it.

'Your getting paint everywhere' I groaned.

'Yes. Looks like I am' he chuckled dropping the paint brush and kissed me deeply again. 'This is so weird' he said.

'What is?'

'This. Kissing you. Your not fat anymore. Your much more flirty. Less hormonal. Your the Clara I fell in love with again' he smirked.

'Aww. That's so cheesy' I laughed. 'But really cute at the same time. Now come on. We've still got furniture to go up this afternoon, and I'd rather not be in this compromising position when John and Lola get here'

'What the hell is with her anyway? She's still hanging around and I don't know why? She must have found out his true colours by now. She must know how much of an ass he is by now' Richard scoffed.

'I don't know. I don't really care either. As long as she doesn't get in my way and start trying to play step mother of the year - then I don't really care. John's a grown man - he can do what he wants'

'He's not a man. He's still technically a boy. We're all still kids really' he sighed, standing up.

'Wow. Talk about change the atmosphere' I scoffed. 'How depressing'

- - -

After, a half an hour break, even though we hadn't actually done much painting so didn't deserve a break anyway, but we had lunch and got back on with the painting.

The room was a bit of a mess now and my shirt was layered in paint so I was wearing one of his old ones now

'Oh wow, at least there is paint on the walls, now not just our clothing' Richard smirked, grabbing a paint brush and helped me finish it off.

We did actually manage to get some paint on the walls and get the room finished which was quite an achievement.

- - -

'Oh my good god. That's a lot of furniture' I whimpered looking at the boxes in front of me. 'Are you going to put them all together?'

'Me? Your helping Oswald' Richard scoffed.

'Actually I think you'll find I'm not. I don't DIY' I shrugged, stepping out of my room and ran down the stairs. 'I guess all that really matters is the wardrobe and changing unit for now. She'll be in my room with me for now' I shouted up at him.

'You could at least try and help' Richard scoffed.

'I'm getting biscuits' I yelled back up, which I could hear from his voice was a good thing.

I grabbed some water and the jammie Dodgers and then headed back up to my room where Richard was sprawled out on my floor with flat pack surrounding him. 'I figured I'd build the wardrobe first and the rest can just come later' he shrugged as John tapped on the window.

'You know there is such things and wonderful miracles as front doors' I pointed out to him as he jumped in and then extended a hand down to help Lola in.

'Hey Clara. I never got to say congratulations the other day so I thought I'd bring you this now' she smiled enthusiastically handing me a gift bag with a baby grow in.

'Aww. Thanks. That's really nice of you' I smiled accordingly although on still sure there's something very off with her.

She doesn't even look like she likes John that much. Not that I care a whole lot. I just don't want him to get screwed over.

'Don't mention it. Now we'd better get building' she smiled, as I placed myself in the middle of the bed and phoned Lilly.

'Do you guys mind if I go to the hospital?' I mumbled looking at them as they were half way though building the changing table.

'Umm. No why?'

'I just really miss her. I never thought I'd feel so incomplete without her but I do' I admitted.

'Go for it. We'll be fine here' Richard assured me, giving me a quick kiss. 'I'll be waiting here for you' he grinned.

"Your Dying... But I love you..." - (Chapter 200 onwards)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن