Chapter 344 - "Convicted...?"

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Chapter 344 - "Convicted...?"

Clara's PoV

I sat in my room alone for quite some time before I jumped up off my bed and threw some clothes on myself, simply some leggings and a top, with my jacket and boots and found a decently warm outfit for Autumn.

I knew my car was pretty much loaded with the buggy and necessities, but stuffed a few extra things like food and nappies in the baby bag, strapping her into her car seat, grabbed my keys and headed down to my car.

I knew they would all look for me but I didn't really care.

Even now I look at her face and am studying it intently. She's got my eyes. They're definitely my eyes. They're brown and they have the same shape.

Oddly enough I feel like she hasn't got my hair so much, maybe it was Felix's hair. He was closer to blond but ironically she has a more Autumny colour to hers.

We drove to Ealing and I pulled up at the cemetery sadly.

It would be 5 years soon since my Mum had died and I feel like I had accomplished so much without her.

I hope she would of approved of Autumn, even if she does think that I'm too young and slightly immature.

I placed Autumn from the car into the buggy and pushed her towards the grave, dropping the flowers next to it.

It had been over 10 months since I had visited, which made me feel really guilty and kind of selfish. I had so much stuff going on over the last few months - I just didn't think to come and visit her.

'I'm sorry for it being so long Mum' I whispered, as I gently pushed the buggy forwards and backwards rocking Autumn to sleep as I sat on one of the benches and admired the grave.

- - -

I sat in the graveyard for about 20 minutes - which I had to admit was pretty creepy and kind of regretted not bringing someone with me - but I liked the peace and quiet that I was getting from it.

I was ignoring the buzzing on my phone anyway, assuming that they had found that I wasn't there deciding that I just needed to be on my own.

Then I realised that we were in Ealing and that we could just go shopping.

I shop when I'm stressed or clean, and seeing as cleaning isn't an option where I am right now - shopping will have to do.

So I pushed the buggy out, loaded her up in the car and we went shopping.

- - -

'Clara?' Someone asked just as I sat down in Starbucks with my cup of coffee and lunch.

So I lifted my head from where I was and saw Ashildr standing in front of me.

'Oh my God! Ashildr? It's been so long' I smiled, as I hugged her tight and motioned for her to sit with me. I know that John sees her all the time because of unit and being at the same nerd school but I don't ever see her anymore really. 'Too long' I chuckled.

'Last time I saw you Clara... You looked like you were about to pop' she smirked as she leant her head over the buggy. 'She's gorgeous' she smiled at me.

'She is beautiful' I mumbled.

'She looks so much like you' Ashildr smirked. 'How's motherhood treating you anyway? I mean I haven't seen John in a while so I assumed she must have been born. Where is the bouncing baby Daddy?' She said picking at a muffin in front of her.

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