Chapter 347 - "Caught in the Act..."

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Got some Web... Yayyyy. Update ;)

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Chapter 347 - "Caught in the Act..."

Clara's PoV

'Shush' he snickered as he pressed me up against my bedroom door - well - my old bedroom door.

It still had posters of Robert Pattinson on it from when I went through that horrible twilight phase.

'Team Edward huh? I always saw myself as a wolf kind of man' he smirked.

I rolled my eyes as I thrust my tongue into his big mouth in many ways just to shut him up.

'Why does it feel like there is some kind of thrill in this? There's something about undressing you in my old bedroom that makes me feel like a naughty child' I grinned, kissing him again, as he worked on the zipper of my dress.

'Now now Oswald. I can make you a naughty school girl if you'd like?' He smirked with a raised eyebrow, as I felt his mouth move from my jaw right down to my chest.

'John Smith. You filthy man. It's all innocent' I laughed, successfully undoing his belt and pausing the kisses to push his trousers down his legs.

'There's nothing innocent about what I'm going to do to you' he he said with another wicked grin, making my heart skip a beat and my breathing hitch.

He couldn't get the clothes off me quick enough as I jumped up on to his waist, wrapping my legs right around him as he pulled us both giggling down onto the bed.

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'Go to sleep Clara' John instructed. 'You've earned it' he winked, as he ran his hands up and down my bare stomach.

'I'm not tired' I lied in a yawn. I had worried so much about being with John that I hadn't even thought about the fact that I was at my house.

I was in the house that I spent the first 15 years of my life. In fact I was in the house that I spent all of my Mums life, because she didn't spend a whole lot of time in London before dying.

'You are really though' he scoffed.

'Actually. I'm hungry' I said turning in his arms to look at him.

'Want me to go and get a pizza?' He asked worn a raised eyebrow.

'Pizza sounds good actually. I'll shower' I said as he kissed my forehead. 'John'


'What do we do? About Richard? I really don't want to have to explain all this to him' I pouted.

'You have to break up with him... If your serious about me. But we'll work on it I promise. We'll chat when I get back' he chuckled, running out in just his jacket and jeans.

I sat on the edge of my bed, and thought genuinely about what I want.

I don't want to loose Richard as a friend - but at the end of the day - John is the one that I want really. I know we argue and complain at each other all the time but that's what a strong relationship really is?

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The doorbell. Seriously?' John scoffed at me. It was to be fair 11.30 at night - I have no idea why anyone would be ringing the bell at that time unless you knew they were coming.

'Don't look at me. I assume people come here and knock all the time. We still own this house but people don't really know that we don't live here. Only neighbours I guess' I said as he jumped out of the bed.

'Wait. Aren't you going to put a shirt on?'

'No. Why?' He winked opening the front door where, I heard a lot of voices, but none other than the obvious voice in the distance.

I hadn't really thought anything into coming to this house. I have a key so it's just like my house at home.

'How dare you think that this house is a house for bringing your women. You could have at least asked my permission' someone snapped, and then I widened my eyes.

'It's really not what you think Mr Oswald. I swear' John said holding his hands up as the police looked at him.

'This is breaking and entering Mr Smith. Your under arrest' someone said as I ran down the stairs.

'You can't arrest him. Dad what the hell are you doing?' I snapped.

'Clara? What the hell are you doing here?' Dad scoffed looking around as Mrs Pegget started complaining about how disrespectful kids are.

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'Please Dad. Please don't tell anyone about this' I begged him.

'What the hell are you doing here? I thought you had a boyfriend? Why is John half naked?'

'I'm not going to explain that - but I'm sure you can have a good guess. We were haut spending the day in Blackpool and figured while we were here, instead of paying for a hotel to just stay here'

'Are we needed anymore Mr Oswald?'

'No. It's my Daughters house. I'm sorry for wasting your time' he apologised. 'Why didn't you just call me and let me know?'

'This is your house Dad?' I questioned having heard what he said.

'No. It's yours. Well when your 21. Your Mum made that quite clear. You technically have as much right to be here as I do. The house in London work pay for'

'Dave dear...'

'Not now Mrs Pegget. It is what it is' he scoffed. 'John, go and put a shirt on' my Dad mumbled making John go red in the face and jump up, disappearing up the stairs.

'Dad please don't tell Richard we were here. He'll think all sorts'

'And can you blame him?'

'No. Because he would be right but I can't deal with this just yet. I need time to think about it all before I make a final decision' I begged.

'Hmm. Where's Autumn?'

'Huh?' I asked looking up.

'You know... Your Fucking daughter' he snapped.

'With Lilly. She's fine. I promise'

'Your an adult now Clara. You have a daughter to worry about. You can't just disappear on nights away. She needs you, and your not doing your bit'

'Please dad. I'm an adult and know what I'm doing, just don't tell Richard. I will break up with him, I've just got to find the right time' I mumbled.

'I won't. But take a good long think about what you want. Because Richard is very good with your daughter'

'And so is John' I snapped.

'I'm staying now. I'm not going all the way home at this time of night so whatever the pair of you are up too... Keep it quiet' he shivered as he disappeared upstairs making me feel like a little kid being grounded by her Dad again.

"Your Dying... But I love you..." - (Chapter 200 onwards)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt