Chapter 302 - "The Bath Incident..."

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Chapter 302 - "The Bath Incident..."

Clara's PoV

I was more than relieved when I shut the bedroom door and was alone. I know it sounds selfish, but my back was hurting like hell, everything about me was sore - mainly my feet and I'd barely stood up all day.

I wandered around the room for a bit, grabbing the things I would need, including a book (Pride and Prejudice) grabbed my shampoo and towels.

The scents of strawberry and lemons was actually quite relaxing and so I just climbed in the bath, surrounded by bubbles and chuckled as I thought about the last time I had, had a bath.

Richard hadn't been here but I hadn't heard him jump in the window. So I was freaked out when he came in the bathroom, but used the bubbles to make a bubble moustache which was quite funny, and then I dumped half of my bath water over his head.

It wasn't long before I was practically half dead in the bath but my back was hurting so much, that I couldn't even move.

The water was so warm and was practically sending me to sleep. It had also stopped Richard juniors movements. I just assumed that the warm water had put her to sleep.

Boy was I wrong.

- - -

I didn't fall asleep in the bath (thank god) but unfortunately it was a bad idea to even have a bath because it was quite low down and I was pretty sure I wasn't going to be able to get up. So after having thrown everyone out and saying I wanted to be left alone for the night - I of course have a bath malfunction.

I just groaned because I was in pain now and wanted to just curl up and get into my bed.

'Clara? Are you still in the bath? Or are you asleep?' I heard Richard shout in the door.

'I'm still in the bath - but don't go. I'm kind of stuck' I admitted.

All I could hear was a chuckle from the other side of the door and then heard him come in.

'So your stuck then?' He smirked.

'If your going to mock me then I'll just sit here for two days until John gets back' I snapped.

'You can't seriously think you can sit in the bath for two days? How long have you been stuck?' He asked opening the window to get some ventilation in. 'I'm surprised you haven't fallen asleep. You could be cooked alive in here'

'I can tell. Humidity and your hair is not good is it?' I laughed suddenly when his hair was starting to go wet from the steam.

'Take the piss and I'll leave you in here' he mumbled jokingly.

'Please don't. But I can't see how your going to help. My back hurts so much, and it doesn't help that she's gone to sleep in a really awkward position' I scoffed.

'Hey, we'll get you out. Just take my hands and I'll pull you up' he shrugged as if it was the most simple answer in the world.

'No way. I'm completely naked under these bubbles' I snapped.

'Oh come on. It's not like I've never seen you naked before is it?' He scoffed. 'I am your boyfriend. I see you naked all the time'

'It's different. I look like a Fucking whale - not just a whale but a shrivelled up like a prawn whale'

'So what's your suggestion? You wait it out in the bath for how long - cause I hate to point out the obvious but bubbles dissolve - so I'd make a decision fast' he said with a raised eyebrow trying to look me in the eye.

This was like a worst nightmare.

'Okay. Okay, I'll turn the light out and you feel for my hands, then I'll pull you up and hand you your dressing gown. Then you'll be covered and able to get out' he suggested. 'I don't know why tour so worried, I saw you naked last week'

'It's just weird seeing me naked and all fat after a bath I shrugged being a pain in the ass.

It seemed like it might work and honestly at this point it was our only option seeing as he was right and that the bubbles would dissolve as soon as the heat started to go, so I'll be cold otherwise.

'Just be careful yeah? I don't want you slipping and falling over. Your in my care' he said jokingly but genuinely as well.

He switched the light off and it was so damn awkward seeing as I was completely naked, but he let me roam around the dark and look for his hands. But as my eyes adjusted to the dark I noted that I could see more of his features than I would like.

But thankfully to my relief as he helped pull me up (with tremendous agony by the way) I noted that his eyes were very much closed.

He handed me the towel quickly and let me dry down a little before handing me the dressing gown and I gave him the all clear to turn the light on.

'We never mention this again' I muttered as I climbed out the bath feeling pretty stiff from having been stuck for so long.

'Don't worry. I won't say anything... But no more baths'

'Agreed. No more baths' I muttered.

- - -

Thankfully he really didn't say anything but then I was having one of those hormonal moments where I just was crying like every second, and when I got like that I wanted to be hugged and be near people.

So I didn't want to be a burden but asked if he would stay with me the night and thank god he did. Especially after the whole "wanting to be alone" thing.

We snuggled up and watched Downton abbey again, finally getting into season 6. I was glad we were nearing the end but then I would have to find him something else to obsess and watch over and over.

Then I called John because he wants to hear everything that I'm doing in my day so I told him everything other than the whole awkward bath incident. 

Then I ended up falling asleep at about 9 o clock being really tired because I could already feel my eyes dropping shut.

What I wasn't expecting was a wake up call at 2.30am.

I woke up with massive cramped and almost cried.


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