Chapter 312 - "Naming List..."

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Chapter 312 - "Naming List..."

Clara's PoV

I was glad when he stuck around for a little while but it was only so that he could bring up the next important decision I had to make.

'You need to name her' he suddenly whispered into my face distracting me as he pulled back, and pushed a strand of hair behind my ear.

The name is as important as anything else I guess.

What I name her now is what she'll be stuck with for the rest of her life - just an example of something else I'm afraid I'll screw up.

'Name her what you want' I sighed.

'But she's your Daughter Clara'

'Either way she's our Daughter. So name her what you like'

'I have ideas' he smiled.

'Then use whatever name you like. I don't really feel like choosing names. Go and speak to Richard. I'm sure he'll help' I said wavering him off.

'I don't think he'll be much help. He's still all for Richardette' he scoffed.

'Please don't make me choose' I whined, as Richard came in. I watched John shake his head at him and I knew they were in cahoots.

'Come on Clara. They need a name for the incubator. She might respond to us a little better if she has a name' Richard said trying to get me to talk. He knew as well as I did that I had a bank of names.

We had talked about it together. I don't know why, but it just came up in passing.

'Have you got any ideas?'

'No' I lied, as Richard stood up.

'Last time we chatted she was torn between Avia, Abigail and Autumn' Richard said looking at John.

'What do you think?'

'Well she doesn't look like an Abigail. Not at all. So that narrows it down' Richard said with a raised eyebrow. 'If Clara's not going to choose it leaves it to you' he shrugged.


'Like I said. Name her what you want'

'No way Clara. I'm going to get Lilly and we're going to talk about this' John scoffed, as they both left the room.

As soon as I was alone I grabbed my phone from my handbag and saw that there was a few text messages.

Mainly they were just texts from John about where he was at the airport and how he would be here soon but the most recent text was a picture.

I'm that picture was a tiny little girl, wearing a pink baby grow and a pink hat.

Maybe seeing her in the flesh would help me to decide a little better about what to name her? But I really didn't feel like moving so stared at the picture for quite some time before everyone came back in.

Nobody mentioned the elephant in the room for now - which I was more than thankful for - instead they decided to sit and eat.

'This is not a restaurant guys' I scoffed.

'Never said it was' John said shrugging as Lilly climbed on the bed next to me and started showing me her phone.

'What's that?'

'It's the list of baby names that you and I thought up. And I know that it's exactly the same list that you and Richard came up with, so I know that you can choose one of these names' Lilly grinned. 'Oh yeah. And we owe you £30 quid. The baby's born and definitely a girl' Lilly hummed.

She was flicking through a list of 2014's top 100 baby names for this country and for some reason she started looking at ridiculous names too.

- - -

'Well at least we've got it narrowed down to a gender. We know it has to be a girls name' Lilly sighed as she looked at the guys.

I was kind of having fun with this now.

Well messing with them anyway.

As much as I didn't want to admit that this was all happening - I had already chosen the name on the list that I wanted for her having spent quite some time looking at the picture that John sent me.

'So Richardette is still out of the question?' Richard pouted.

'Yes' all three of us said in sync but what was quite funny is that she would probably answer to it.

We spent so long calling her that, that the chances are she recognises that name more than any other we had tried.

'Okay. So what's wrong with Abigail? We can use Abbie for short?' Richard said.

'No. She doesn't look like an Abigail. Plus I lived with an awful kid in a care home once with the name Abigail and she looked like she was half way to death from all the heroin she did. I don't want that pretty picture in my head every time I talk to the kid'

'Fair enough. What about Lilly? That will work' she said as a joke but then again maybe she was serious as well.

'No Lil. Do you have any idea how confusing that will get? We're all going to live together this year. Imagine having a Lilly and a Lilly' Richard scoffed.

'I'm just making suggestions. Better ones than Richard anyway' she snapped at him.

'There is nothing wrong with the name Richard'

'She's a Fucking girl. And we've known that for months hey you still insist on calling her Richard' Lilly yelled at him.

'So what other names are on that list Lil?' John sighed.


'Sounds good to me' John said shrugging his shoulders.

'No. I don't really like that name' Lilly said pouting.

'Why? It's not like we're trying to call the poor kid Ruth. Avia is not a common name so hardly anyone else will have the name and it suits a pretty little girl - which she obviously will be. She's related to Clara' John said.

'You realise you guys are arguing about this for no reason. I've already decided what I'm calling her'

'Really?' They all said at the same time looking up.

'Autumn. She was born September 1st not August. She was born on the first day of Autumn' I said thinking about the picture I had looked at.

'Sounds like little Richard Junior has a real name' Richard smirked.

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