Chapter 292 - "Shopping in Paris..."

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Chapter 292 - "Shopping in Paris..."

Clara's PoV

It was really nice to wake up in such a comfortable bed. Even if I didn't come back to my room until 2am. But thankfully they had stopped.

What wasn't nice was that I was waking up alone.

Turns out that John had gone running, but that Lola wasn't into running either. So Maybe we had more in common than I thought.

I'm not exactly in a running frame of mind - but I could have happily strolled behind him.

I mumbled incoherently waking myself up slowly and headed for the small kitchen, where John had run out yesterday evening to stock up on yoghurt and cereal.

I can not wait until Richard Junior isn't making the demands on what I can eat and drink anymore.

I don't even miss alcohol that much - but what I do miss is Coffee.

I used to drink like 8 cups of coffee a day. Lattes, filter, floater coffees you mention it and I drank it. To have to drop to none so fast was so depressing.

I sighed, dressing myself and then waited on the sofa for him to come back. I was a bit worried about the babies lack of motion. Whenever I'm awake she is usually awake - of course I can't blame her for wanting a lay in. It's got to be a tough life wriggling around in there.

I decided to write it out of my mind for the moment putting it down to nothing. And that she was just sleeping.

'Morning' Lola smiled, stepping out in one of John's shirts and leggings.

'Morning' I mumbled, deciding if I needed to be sick or not.

'Listen while John's not here I just wanted to talk to you'

'Oh god. Am I getting under your feet because If I am ill happily go home'

'No it's not that. Your more welcome. I just want you to know I get what your going through'


'I had a baby when I was 15. Had a baby boy, but my Mum took him away from me' she shrugged, being honest but it didn't make me feel any better about her - in fact I think I was more suspicious of her now than I was before

'Ah, your awake. Mm. Your awake and dressed? You feeling alright? Getting you out of bed before 10 dragging you kicking and screaming is a challenge.... And it's only half past 8 - which in London would be half past 7' he frowned.

'Oh stop being paranoid and get in the shower. Your all sweaty and I want to go shopping'

'Ugh. Is shopping really needed?'

'Yes. I've got a job now so have any money I spend can be replaced... This shopping is needed. And id quite like to get some clothes that in 2 months I'll be able to fit in?'

'I agree. Shopping sounds fun' Lola agreed.

'Fine' he mumbled, disappearing into the bedroom, out voted by two women on this one.

- - -

Shopping was pretty successful, and we'd managed to get a phone call into Richard who despite moaning and groaning about going was having a great time.

Said he hadn't seen his Mum much, but he kind of expected that - and that he was just there to see his brother.

We shopped causally as we felt we wanted too, browsing the odd shop, and I even found a great French bookshop, where I bought a couple of books and sidetracked them into a museum.

'Look, Picasso. How can you not like Picasso. And then there's Van Gough, he's a personal favourite. If I could paint something as dull yet full of life as Starry Night, I might have a successful career someday' I grinned.

'I'm sure you will. You could be the next Van Gough... Just don't kill yourself' he scolded.

'He was a very misunderstood man. If he was alive now - modern medication would have helped him, and he may have made more amazing creations before he died' I shrugged, looking out into the beautiful garden of this museum.

'You want to go and draw the garden don't you?' He said as I squeaked excitedly at him.

'I really do' I muttered.

'Go on then. I'll get some ice cream' he chuckled.

'Oo, actually can you get me a really cold Fanta as well?'

'You hate orange? Why would you want a Fanta?'

'It's no reason really. It's just she normally moves when I'm awake and she hasn't moved since after dinner last night. I don't know if it was just the travel or maybe she's exhausted. I read somewhere - or maybe Richard told me - I can't remember, but it said to drink a cold drink, and orange is best, but that sugar might give her some energy? I'm just going with the flow here...' I said dragging off.

'She's not moving?'

'Not in a while no' I said but I wasn't worried. 'Babies stop moving all the time. I'm not worried' I shrugged.

'I am. Especially with your past. If this doesn't work were taking you to see a midwife'

'Were in France. I can't speak French for my life'

'Lucky someone can'

'I'll be in the garden' I mumbled, as Lola followed him off.

I wasn't worried about her but maybe I should be? There's probably a reasonable explanation and that she'll wake up in a minute.

Or she's was just taking an extra long nap.

And I don't consciously keep an eye on her movements. I don't count them. So I wouldn't know what's normal for her and what's not.

Just that she likes to kick during the day.

- - -

'I really wish I had bought my pastels with me now. Then I could have got the colours exactly right'

'Don't worry about it. The picture will work' he said snapping the exact position I was in.

'It's not the same as real life though is it? By the time I get home the real thing would have gone from my mind' I grunted.

'Your an exceptional drawer Clara' Lola complimented making me happy.

'Has she moved yet?' He asked for the tenth time this hour.

He wouldn't let us go because he wanted me to come off my feet. If I stay still it might encourage her to wake up a bit.

I drank the bitter orange juice which was freezing, fizzy and disgusting, but suffered it to see if it worked.

Of course after I had drank an entire bottle of Orange I needed instantly to pee, so have peed three times this hour.

'No. I think she's just sleeping' I shrugged.

'Do you not keep an eye on her kicks?'

'Well yes but I'm not going to count each individual kick. I have got other things to do. I've told you how she normally is. Kicks all day and sleeps all night. She's the perfect kid in every way. Sometimes she gives a little nudge in the night. But she hasn't moved since dinner last night' I pointed out standing up. 'What are you doing?' I asked as he pulled out his phone.

'Calling your midwife'

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