Chapter 203 - "Bruised..."

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Chapter 203 - "Bruised..."

Clara's PoV

It wasn't long after Richard left that I realised I wasn't good. I wasn't good at all.

I couldn't even lie down on my bed without crying in agony. Even when I breathed it hurt like Fuck.

It wasn't until I winced pulling my top up in front of the mirror to admire the bruises that I realised Richard hadn't really left.

'God Clara. Look at the damage he's done. Please you have to go to a hospital before you collapse' he begged as he swung the door back open.

'No' I said pushing my top down, and winced again, in a cry.

Richard approached me and lifted my top gently up again. He looked into my eyes before doing it. It made me nervous but I trusted him. He was about the only person I trusted right now. He lifted the top and ran his smooth fingers over the bruising, making me gasp from even the slightest impact.

'Clara my hands only ghosted over them bruises. If that hurt then there's definitely some damage. We have to get this seen too. Even if they only prescribe you some stronger pain killers'

'And what do I say? When they ask what happened?'

'I'll think of something. I promise. But please can we go?'

I nodded knowing he was probably right. As much as I didn't want to be scanned or touched right now, I couldn't breathe properly from the impact.

'Can I change into different clothes first please?' I asked. 'Clothes that don't remind me of last night' I pointed out with glassy eyes I'm sure.

'I'll be outside again' he said but I sniffed stopping him.

'Can you help? I can't do this alone' I whispered embarrassed again.

His eyes widened but it's not like it's nothing he's ever seen before. 'I guess' he nodded, as I pointed at the wardrobe.

'There's black leggings in the third draw down, and a white vest top in the draw above. Then if you can get the white shirt out of the wardrobe and black cardigan?' I asked. He nodded doing all those things but grabbed the pink cardigan, claiming a bit of colour might just cheer me up.

Nothing would ever cheer me up again I didn't think.

'Just lift your arms a little? Just enough for me to pull the top over your head?' He asked.

I lifted them as far as they would go without me screaming in pain, and he managed to slip the top over my head gasping once again at the deep purple bruises that had and were forming over my stomach, and even a few on my back. 'We can't lie about that. They all look like kick marks' Richard muttered. 'But we'll find a way. It's not their problem' he assured.

He slipped the vest top on and I tucked it into my leggings, as he helped me into the shirt and cardigan.

I then sat on the bed helplessly as he pushed my boots on my feet and zipped them up. 'I feel pathetic' I moaned.

'Don't be ridiculous' he chuckled grabbing my hand and pulling me out the door. It was of course where I could hear Ollie in the lounge with Lilly. I felt Richard tense as I was within his hold.

'Leave it Richard' I said, wincing, which turned his attention back to me immediately.

- - -

'Well we've got some time to kill. You'd better fill in those forms I guess' Richard chuckled trying to make conversation as we sat in the emergency room.

It was stale and smelt like old people. Plus I'm not a kid anymore so have to sit in with all the old homeless people with frost bite and the idiots who had got pissed during the day and fallen over plus those who had been hurt at work.

It was depressing.

They said there was a backlog and that we would probably have a wait, seeing as it is a Sunday but I knew that I needed to be here, and the waiting was giving me a chance to come up with a good lie in my head.

'Yeah. I guess' I said lifting my hands gently as not to injure the ache in my ribs anymore but there was no way anything I would write with shaky hands was going to be coherent enough to read. 'Can you do it? I don't think I can right now' I mumbled.

He pulled the lid off the pen, making me giggle slightly when he got ink in his mouth like an absolute child, but started filling in questions.

'Whose your emergency contact?'

'My Dad'

'And his name is....?'

'Dave. You know that' I laughed.

'Do I? Bet you don't know my Dads name'

'You've never mentioned it' I shrugged in my defence.

'No, probably not. What year were you born?'


'Huh? I was 96'

'That's because I'm born in November and your June you idiot' I pointed out.

'Good point. And are you on any medication?'

'Where do I start?' I sighed.

'That's a yes then?'

'I can't even remember what does what any more. I just swallow them these days and move on' I said rolling my eyes.

'And are you up to date on all your immunisations?'

'Probably not. The cancer fucked me up big time. I couldn't have all of them when you guys had them. I still remember injection day. I still remember being glad about not having one but then remembered the IV jabbed in my hand and realised I deal with needles on a daily basis' I pointed out.

'Oh yeah. John cried like a big baby. Toughest and most popular guy in school - but bought to shame by a needle' Richard chuckled.

'He does have a good reason. After being jabbed with needles as a kid. At 7 years old and having life threatening surgery's and things - it's no surprise that he hates them. It was you that sobbed like a 5 year old'

'Pft. Please. I was a stable as a rock' he chuckled.

'You keep telling yourself that Madden' I said cracking a small smile.

'Clara Oswald?' A nurse called. I stood up and followed. Richard dumped the forms on the reception desk then helped me through.

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