Chapter 255 - "Out in the Open..."

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Chapter 255 - "Out in the Open..."

Clara's PoV

Angie and Artie didn't really seem to be the problem around here. They are both good kids, and Angie was just getting to the age where boys were starting to make an appearance.

It didn't help that she had a small crush on Richard because he kept spending so much time round here. Especially after I told her I'd slept with him several times. She couldn't help but ask what he was like in bed.

I also didn't like that she was crushing on him. I was kind of being territorial and she picked up straight away - literally after two days that we were sort of together.

'You know it's hard to remember which one of them is the Father of this kid. They spend so much bloody time round here, they might as well just live here' Dad says rolling his eyes.

'Oh come on Dad. They just care. But I will admit that they are both doing my head in. And in all fairness to them - we don't actually know that John's the Father' I mumbled.

'Tell them that'

'They're both being so nice about it though. I literally have them at my beckon call'

It's true to say that Richard was getting under my feet a little, but so was John. I don't want to say anything, because I don't want to loose either of them throughout this pregnancy.

'Morning' Richard smirked at the front door.

'Morning' I mumbled, watching him step in the door, leaning down to kiss me and then smirked as he let go.

'Do I even want to know what that was about?' My Dad scoffed from behind me.

'Oh my god Dad, go away' I yelled.

'It's no wonder you don't like me bad mouthing him' Dad muttered.

'Wait don't tell John' I begged. 'He can't know about this'


'With all do respect Mr Oswald for the sake of the baby he can't know about this at the moment... Us' Richard said.

'Dad please. You said you like Richard. Please just do this for me?' I begged.

He rolled his eyes and sighed. 'What does it really matter? It's just another guy round here stealing all my food' he huffed, picking his keys up and went for the car.

'I bought you some more yoghurt. I figured what we bought the other day probably wouldn't be enough the way you go through it' Richard chuckled.

'Thanks. But I could have walked to the shop and got it myself' I said placing it in the fridge and slamming the door. As I did though I grabbed onto it as there was a pain in my stomach.

'Are you okay? Holy shit. She's in pain. Something's wrong' he shouted but there wasn't even anyone else around. Everyone was out of the house.

'There's not actually anyone else here you know that right?' I said, taking a deep breath and stood upright, feeling it again, but it wasn't as sharp. I knew exactly what it was but didn't want to admit it to myself.

With the baby moving it makes things way too real. It means that I'll have to acknowledge on a daily basis that there is a child actually growing inside of me. The stronger the kicks and movement gets the closer to birth it actually gets.

'Yeah I know. But it's just what you do in times of crisis and panic? Call for help' he shrugged. 'Are you okay?'

'I'm fine. It's just the baby starting to kick' I said huffing. 'It's quite early actually but there only light flutters' I grunted.

"Your Dying... But I love you..." - (Chapter 200 onwards)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ