A Blizzard of Love

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Scientist1: "Hello (Y/n) how are you today?" They asked over the intercom as I sighed sitting there staring at the walls.
(Y/n): "Dead, depressed, trapped, lonely, hungry, thirsty, tired need I go on?"
Scientist2: "No that's enough now time to move onto the tests." They said as I saw the turrets popping out of the walls. I sighed standing up as they turrets locked onto me. "Test 1 Air Shield start." As soon as those words were said the turrets began a rocket barrage. I held my hands out forming the air in the engagement into a shield surrounding my entire body. They rockets bounced off exploding against the walls as I remained unscathed.

Scientist2: "Test complete subject 372 remains unharmed and completely fine. Move onto to test 2."
Scientist1: "Roger commencing test 2 remember (Y/n) if you fail this test it will kill you. Now begin Lightning accuracy test." They said as I looked up seeing the roof of my cell and building open up. I looked for the glints of the snipers as I saw them. I rubbed my hands together generating powerful electricity. I formed bolts of lightning in my hands hurling them at the glints striking all seven of the androids before they fired.

Scientist1: "All seven androids eliminated activating play back.... All seven were struck through the chests region right where the human heart is. Death occurred on impact test complete. (Y/n) maintains complete control of lightning with sniper accuracy. Moving onto test 3 weather control."
Scientist2: "Understood and please refrain from the informalities with subject 372." They said over the intercom as it started to rain as I shivered. "Subject 372 if you are cold make the rain stop and bring out the sun." They demanded as I curled up freezing in what rags they gave me. I whimpered wishing for the sun as the clouds and rain dispersed. The sun shined brightly as the rays hit my body making me smile slightly. "Test complete close the roof subject 372 your testing is done for today." They said as the roof and my cage closed again as I sighed going to a corner. Soon everything was quiet as no one visited me anymore not since Weiss went off to Beacon. I felt tears dripping down my face as I thought about her. The one person who didn't see me as a freak.

Weiss pov

I was called by myself to the headmasters office. I went along my way to see what was needed of me. I was scared that they would pull me out from my father's threats or something equally as bad. But when I arrived Ozpin was staring at a file intently then motioned for me to sit. So I sat down worried until I saw the first few letter of the file he was staring at. They were the same first few letters of (Y/n)s first name.

Ozpin: "No Weiss i need you to tell me everything you know about (Y/n)."
Weiss: "W-What do you mean?"
Ozpin: "I would like to know what type of person can endure being captured their entire life on camera under the guise of scientific pursuit."
Weiss: "H-He is... He is a kind hearted man, he doesn't fight agaisnt them he complies so it's easier for everyone. When I used to visit him everyday he would listen to my problems and comfort me... Not once did he say anything about his problems... If I could I would release him and bring him here." I said blushing slightly as he chuckled clapping his hands together.
Ozpin: "That was an excellent answer Weiss. Cause that's exactly what I want to happen as well. So your mission that no one else knows of is to head back to your home and free him. No one deserves the injustices he has suffered so I want him here where he can be protected." He said as I nodded smiling happily as I went out of his office.

I ran to Vale as soon as I could heading to the communication center as I was patched through to my father. He just stared at me as I asked him to send a private escort to pick me up and bring me home. He questioned my motives as I replied with the school was on break so students could visit family. He was silent for a few moments before nodding as I thanked him and hung up. I waited in the area he said it would arrive at. In a few minutes there was a small bullhead with a few guards opening the way for me as I boarded. I stayed in silence the entire trip.

Several hours later

When we landed I got out and ran to the testing facility. I slept through the night thinking about him. Before I left he was doing great. He smiled, laughed, he was in shape and he was my love. I loved him and he loved me. We confessed before I left and vowed to be together as soon as we could.

When I burst through the door I held my hands over my mouth to suppress my screams of terror. There he laid nothing but skin and bones, he was so pale, and he was coughing blood.

Scientist: "Subject 372 suffers from minor injuries from test 1. Restarting test Subject 372 please get ready." He said about to press the button as I moved my hands.
Scientist: "Mrs.Schnee please this is for the progression of science and understanding how someone can have multiple semblance."
Weiss: "If you touch that button my father will hear hell from me. And once he finds out your group is to blame... You still need this high paying job don't you?"
Scientist: "Y-Yes but currently he is under our jurisdiction until you claim respons-"
Weiss: "I CLAIM FULL RESPONSIBILITY FOR HIM NOW IF YOU DONT STEP AWAY FROM THE CONTROL PANEL I WILL HAVE MY MEN RUIN YOUR LIFE!!" I shouted as he stepped away raising his hands as I went down the steps outside the door to (Y/n)s cage. I opened the door rushing in as he stared at me shocked. I fell to my knees hugging tightly nearly in tears as he clung to me. I felt his tears agaisnt my face as he shaked crying. I kissed his head softly as he looked at me. He was so tired and his eyes were red.

(Y/n) pov

Weiss: "Dont worry (Y/n) I came back for you..."
(Y/n): "I never doubted you a single day... I endured so much waiting for you to come back... D-Does this mean we can finally be together?"
Weiss: "Yes my love we can finally be together your coming with me to Beacon and im never letting you go ever again." She said as we hugged.

She explained what was happening as I smiled holding her. She explained our plan to escape as I nodded. We got up and bolted out of the lab being chased by everyone. I saw more and more guards appearing as i grew scared. She pulled me into the back off the bullhead getting in the pilots seat. She smiled at me setting it to autopilot to Beacon as I stared out the bay door.

Weiss: "Are you ready?" She asked holding my hand squeezing it. I nodded focusing on what was behind us. Suddenly snow flakes started falling from the sky as I focused harder. Soon the snowflakes turned to heavier snow then to a raging blizzard. I watched as the ground disappeared into the whiteness as I panted leaning agaisnt the side of the bullhead.

Weiss: "We did it we finally got away baby."
(Y/n): "Y-Yeah..  now we can finally say it."
Weiss: "I love you (Y/n)."
(Y/n): "I love you too Weiss." I said as we hugged before softly pressing our lips together blushing. I felt the blizzard grow stronger as it fed off my emotions. And right now it was a raging blizzard of love.

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